Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA) Files Amicus Brief Against House Judiciary – IOTW Report

Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA) Files Amicus Brief Against House Judiciary

CTH: House Judiciary Committee ranking member Doug Collins filed an amicus brief yesterday highlighting why the Judiciary Committee should be blocked from receiving grand jury material against the backdrop of an impeachment effort without support from the House of Representatives. Get More Here

6 Comments on Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA) Files Amicus Brief Against House Judiciary

  1. The minority in the House has ‘rights?’ Who knew?

    Procedure? We don’t need no stinking procedure!

    Down the road? Fisticuffs on the House floor?

    Take it outside, kids, and duke it out on the Capitol grounds where we can watch.

  2. A slim majority of one party in one-half of one branch of government…

    Aside from the due process rules, the biggest problem I see with the Dem shenanigans is that this is not how “representation” is supposed to work. The Dems are cutting off nearly half of the people in the country from having a say. Losing a vote in Congress is one thing; not being permitted to have information or even make an argument is something else, and inappropriate.


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