Rep. Eli Crane Says Trump Shooter’s Home Was Reportedly Scrubbed Clean Like “Medical Lab” – IOTW Report

Rep. Eli Crane Says Trump Shooter’s Home Was Reportedly Scrubbed Clean Like “Medical Lab”

Representative Eli Crane of Arizona, during Tuesday’s U.S. House Committee on Homeland Security hearing, asked Pennsylvania State Police Commissioner Col. Christopher Paris questions regarding Trump rally shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks’s home.

The former Navy Seal, representing Arizona’s 2nd Congressional District, asked Col. Paris, “Did your team make entry and conduct any investigation of the suspect’s home?”

Paris responded, “I believe we had people that participated in securing it; there were bomb assets that we provided on the night of.”

Crane continued, “Did you get any reports from any of your agents of anything fishy at the home?” more

16 Comments on Rep. Eli Crane Says Trump Shooter’s Home Was Reportedly Scrubbed Clean Like “Medical Lab”

  1. Juuuuuuuuuuuuuuust a nuther coinky dink….

    Add up all these coincidental puzzle pieces and you could put together a 100 Piece Jigsaw puzzle that paints a real ugly picture of this rigged fiasco!

  2. @Conservative Cowgirl — Perhaps it was the eye-watering stench of unwashed Democrats that was making him blink. Or maybe the general brimstone atmosphere of Capitol Hill.

  3. You don’t need to be an ex Navy Seal spec ops guy to realize this was a complete set up. A clear lane 130 yards out. Are you kidding me. I hope Eli Crane keeps up the pressure with these spinless bastards.
    Mean while, headlines.

    “WOW! Wray Says There Were At Least Two Instances Where FBI Officials Expressed Disappointment That Trump Survived Assassination Attempt”

    The FBI needs to be de funded first.

  4. This has become so absurd it’s turned into the official 100 Clown Kazoo Band Goat Rodeo & Shit Show! The only thing that could make it worse would be to add muzlims to turn it into a level eleven clusterfuck!

  5. FBI: No timeline of events. No details of anything. Slow-walking testimony and refusing to testify. Leaking info to their lapdog media in order to queer the story.

    Nothing will convince anyone paying attention that this was a “lone shooter” and that the FBI/CIA/etc aren’t the progenitors of the plan and they are guilty of murdering Corey Comparatore and attempted murder of the other two victims, as well as attempted assassination of POTUS Trump.

    It’s not funny when people say that the FBI is where investigations go to die.

  6. Gee. Now why would the FBI sterilize a treasure trove of evidence? Lemme guess: they also deleted the ballistic evidence too? And they think we’re so stupid we’d believe their 8 bullet casings on the roof top BS? Who could have seen that coming?

  7. Audio analysis raises troubling questions – Peak Prosperity

    Be careful with the audio analysis though. If the shooter used various ammo and not the same exact ammo, the report and velocity would differ markedly enough that I can hear it with my unaided ears when varmint shooting and a friend is shooting a mix of ammo. I won’t go into why at this time, but we do it frequently. PARTICULARLY with a short barrel carbine.

    I’ve posted this in the comments and he has not yet addressed this and added a caveat to his conclusions. Trust me on this, I know my shit. 55 grain bs 69 grain 223/556 would be markedly different. Here is the thing that could help sort that out, a short barrel is going to blow partially burned powder out to land on the roof snd stick there. Different rounds use different powder, markedly different. Enough so that the partially burned powder COULD POSSIBLY be identified. Not 100% on that, but importers vs domestic loaders use powders from around the world and to a degree they can be sorted out.


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