Rep. Gaetz: Ohio Candidate Josh Mandel Has Been Tattling to McConnell – IOTW Report

Rep. Gaetz: Ohio Candidate Josh Mandel Has Been Tattling to McConnell

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5 Comments on Rep. Gaetz: Ohio Candidate Josh Mandel Has Been Tattling to McConnell

  1. We have one of those in our state. Markwayne Mullin, the idiot who hugged Ashley’s murderer. Outside of the money he loaned his campaign, his money is all coming from PACS tied to Inhoffe, Lankford, McConnell and McCarthy. He’s McCarthy’s boy and will be McConnell’s boy and tells them he has to say the right things in Oklahoma.

    He cozied up to the swamp quickly when he got to Congress, yet claims he’s MAGA. Him and Lameford both need to be kicked out of DC. I’m praying Nathan Dahm wins Infhoffe’s empty seat and Jackson Lahmeyer beats Lameford. In this state though the biggest cheating happens in the primaries so I’m not holding my breath.


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