Rep. Gaetz: ‘We Have Email Evidence From Andrew McCabe Indicating That Hillary Clinton Was Going to Get a ‘HQ Special” – IOTW Report

Rep. Gaetz: ‘We Have Email Evidence From Andrew McCabe Indicating That Hillary Clinton Was Going to Get a ‘HQ Special”

Breitbart: Friday on FNC’s “America’s Newsroom,” Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) said a congressional committee had evidence FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe indicated Hillary Clinton was going to get an “HQ special” regarding the investigation of her unauthorized email server and ties to the Clinton Foundation during her tenure as secretary of state.

Gaetz, a member of the House Judiciary Committee,  described the circumstances at the FBI regarding the investigation as “extreme pro-Hillary Clinton bias.”

“The Judiciary Committee is engaged in an investigation, particularly as it relates to the handling of the Hillary Clinton email scandal and any potential investigations of the Clinton Foundation and the handling of bribes or other types of improper payments,” Gaetz said. “I can certainly say that my impression after these interviews is that there was extreme pro-Hillary Clinton bias that benefitted her in this investigation and that she received special treatment as a consequence of her candidacy for president. That shouldn’t happen. The law should apply equally to all Americans whether they’re political candidates or not. And so, we need to institute reforms through the Judiciary Committee for more oversight, for more transparency so that this never happens again.”

He went on explain that it was the committee’s intention to find out if there was a departure from standard “procedures.”

“[O]ur view is we need to find out if whether or not the procedures were departed from,” he added. “And we have email evidence from Andrew McCabe indicating that Hillary Clinton was going to get an ‘HQ Special,’ a headquarters special. That meant that the normal processes of the Washington field office weren’t followed and he had a special. And he had a very small group of people that had a pro-Hillary Clinton bias who had a direct role in changing that investigation from one that likely should have been criminal to one where she was able to walk. And so I think that we’ve gotta ensure that that never happens again,  that the same processes that would apply to any American would also apply to people who were running for president of the United States.” Watch

20 Comments on Rep. Gaetz: ‘We Have Email Evidence From Andrew McCabe Indicating That Hillary Clinton Was Going to Get a ‘HQ Special”

  1. The law should apply equally to all Americans whether they’re political candidates or not. And so, we need to institute reforms through the Judiciary Committee for more oversight, for more transparency so that this never happens again.

    How do the profoundly retarded get (re-re-re)elected? Proles who displease law enforcement are offered beating, torture, mandatory extortion, and a bonus family or pet killing if the network propagandists are rolling. “Oversight” and “transparency” are exclusively for Party members.

  2. The simple fact that FBIHQ “managers” led the investigation says a lot. FBI Washington Field Office Special Agents should have conducted the investigation, not FBIHQ managers. Secondly, as a subject of the investigation, Hillary should have been the subject of an interrogation as opposed to an interview… big difference, especially if conducted by seasoned street agents as opposed to a card carrying members of her fan club. “Investigators don’t manage and managers don’t investigate.” Trump was right to say the reputation of the FBI is in tatters.

  3. “we have to make sure this never happens again”

    In order to do that, you must charge & prosecute the FBI personnel involved. That is the only way to get any ones attention.

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