Rep. Greg Steube Files Articles Of Impeachment Against Joe Biden – IOTW Report

Rep. Greg Steube Files Articles Of Impeachment Against Joe Biden

DC: Republican Florida Rep. Greg Steube filed articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden on Friday.

The Daily Caller obtained the resolution, which lists Bribery, Extortion, Obstruction of justice, Fraud and Financial involvement in drugs & prostitution as reasons to impeach Biden.

“It’s long past time to impeach Joe Biden,” Steube said in a statement after introducing the resolution. “He has undermined the integrity of his office, brought disrepute on the Presidency, betrayed his trust as President, and acted in a manner subversive of the rule of law and justice at the expense of America’s citizens. The evidence continues to mount by the day – the Biden Crime Family has personally profited off Joe’s government positions through bribery, threats, and fraud. Joe Biden must not be allowed to continue to sit in the White House, selling out our country.” more

11 Comments on Rep. Greg Steube Files Articles Of Impeachment Against Joe Biden

  1. I like this guy.

    A bit off topic, but Steube recently introduced the SPARE (Substance and Possession Abuse Restrictions for Entrance) Act, requiring the fair enforcement of US visa laws.

    This law, named after Prick Harry’s memoir, ‘Spare’, takes aim at the fact that the rampant drug abuse detailed in this memoir should have rendered Prick Harry ineligible for entry to the US. He either lied on his Visa applicatiton or was allowed entry despite being a drug user.

    Other rich and famous people, including singer Amy Winehouse and celebrity chef Nigella Lawson were denied entry due to their drug use. Why has Harry been granted an exception? Or has he lied?

    The Heritage Foundation has sued to get his Visa application and has been stonewalled. Fuck, Prick Harry. The turd should be deported.


    The party impeaching the president ALWAYS WINS THE NEXT ELECTION. 4 OUT OF 4! This century twice. Bill impeached; GWB won 2000. Don impeached; Joe won 2020!

    Impeaching Joe – even if the vote fails, as it did with Don – guarantees a Republican President.

    OI am not saying it is good governance! I am saying it is
    “hardball” politics.

    Don committed not crime! UNIPARTY want him gone! So UNIPARTY – Adam and li are “Bush Republicans” – impeached him. Knowing full well American history!

  3. So, impeachment is now a campaign strategy?
    More banana gov’t bullshit.
    Next up, assassination.
    Ecuador, anyone?
    The nihilistic totalitarians are really eroding our thin veneer of civilization.

    I’m sure we all realize it, of course, but if we actually had a free press a maggot crooked pedophile like Biden would have never made it into the Senate, much less the White Hut. Same goes for Obola, Clinton, Bush, and a few others.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Impeachment de-facto recognizes the election of 2020 as legitimate. Bad plan long term. This flows with the current power alignment that wants very much, even desperately, to maintain the fiction that ‘everything is normal’.

    Impeachment will not result in removal and if it did would leave us with an (unbelievable, I know) even weaker reed as president. The deep state runs 0bama’s crew and 0bama’s crew fronts the sock puppet in chief. Harris demonstrated her chops running in ‘20 (not to mention working Brown’s willie earlier) and has further shown her ‘unique’ abilities as veep. We’re nowhere with this. Worse than nowhere. Better to promote and publicize the corruptocrat in chief’s crimes and suffer the fallout of the 0bama regime’s revolutionary fervor for the remainder of the term prescribed.

    Use the time to correct the fraud machine if you only will, non-communists in office. Will you? If not, this is all only for show anyway. Failing to fix the voting means an endorsement of the status quo and that includes the current senile pedophile occupying, through vote fraud, the office of the presidency.

  5. The reality is, nobody in power from our side mentioned impeachment as soon as joe* was elected* like they did Trump.
    The dems were warned that they wouldn’t like “the new rules” but they did it anyway.
    DO IT!

  6. TIM

    When you are in a fight- and UNIPARTY has been fighting working Americanss for 63 years – you either have to be much bigger, stronger and faster than your opponent; or match his level of dirty ness!

    A guy tries to knee my nuts; I will kick his nuts or gouge out his eyes! “There is no substitute for victory”! If we do not win this fight UNIPARTY will make serfs of us all!
    My kin have believed for thousands of years “better to die free than live as a subject!”! I so believe! Why I back impeachment.

    “Turn around is fair play”. UNIPARTY did it to us to remove Don. I want to remove the UNIPARTY!


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