Rep. Hudson Reintroduces National Reciprocity on Day One of New Congress – IOTW Report

Rep. Hudson Reintroduces National Reciprocity on Day One of New Congress

Breitbart: Rep. Richard Hudson (R-NC) reintroduced national reciprocity for concealed carry on the first day of the 116th Congress.

Hudson introduced carry reciprocity legislation in 2014 but got tremendous momentum with the introduction of the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act on January 3, 2017. The legislation passed the House on December 6, 2017, and was never taken up by the Republican-controlled Senate.

He is now putting it before the Democrat-controlled House.

Hudson sent Breitbart News a statement on January 3, 2018, in which he said, “Concealed carry reciprocity is already well-established across our country with the average state recognizing permits from more than 30 other states. National concealed carry reciprocity is common sense, and I’ll continue to lead the efforts to make it a reality.”

The title of Hudson’s current reciprocity push is the Concealed Carry Act of 2018.

8 Comments on Rep. Hudson Reintroduces National Reciprocity on Day One of New Congress

  1. I thought this was dumb last night when I read about it, but this actually shows how bad the Dems are on The Constitution. I think he should keep trolling the Dems like this. Make them show their ass.

  2. Weasels! All of them!!

    Now the R’s can trot out all the bills they want, knowing that they won’t pass to the Republican Senate. And same for the D’s on Reparations and anything else they can do to “win” the black and hispanic vote in 2020 and their own seats in the mid-terms after that. Everything they do will be duly noted in their voting record which they will sing to the rafters. Never mind that it all will come to nothing. We spend a lot of money year after year for these know-nothing, do-nothing people.

  3. This is a big deal if you conceal carry and live next to communist states like New Yawk, New Jeursey, Marymaryland, and Delaware. Got to leave the potection at home if you cross to these states. It sucks.

    This legislation is a hell of a lot more important than say obummercare.

  4. MJA has it right. Hudson’s just baiting the pols into showing their true colors – in hopes that maybe SOME among the voting public FINALLY will pay attention to how badly they’re getting screwed by so many. And, if we’re lucky. they’ll remember two years hence.


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