Rep. Huelskamp: Speaker Ryan Does Not Have 218 Votes – IOTW Report

Rep. Huelskamp: Speaker Ryan Does Not Have 218 Votes

Breitbart: The chairman of the House Tea Party Caucus and one of the first men to come out against Speaker John A. Boehner told Breitbart News that he does not think Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R.-Wis.) has the votes to keep his gavel.

“I just don’t think he has the votes,” said Rep. Timothy A. Huelskamp (R.-Kansas), who lost his primary Aug. 2 and returns to private life after this session of Congress.

Huelskamp said he is concerned that the House Republican leadership is in a hurry to, first, get itself rubber-stamped inside the conference and then to proceed with an aggressive lame duck agenda.

Many House conservatives have called for the leadership elections to be moved forward from the scheduled Nov. 15 event, he said.

It is important to watch what the GOP leadership does before returning Ryan, Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, Majority Whip Steve Scalise, and Republican Conference Chairwoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers to their posts, he said.


15 Comments on Rep. Huelskamp: Speaker Ryan Does Not Have 218 Votes

  1. So it comes out he was saying on a radio show the day before the election that Trump is not GOP. After Trump wins he is trying to suck up to him like he’s been with him the whole time? Suck off Ryan. I hope you go down in yuge defeat too for your treachery in not only trying to screw Trump, but screwing the country in giving Obama aide and comfort in his screwing of the company.

  2. If no one steps up to run for Speaker we won’t have a change. Being Speaker is a tough job. Requires thick skin and lots of tact and dedication. There may be no alternative.

  3. He’s either bought and paid for or being blackmailed by the DNC or HRC or Soros or all 3. Not safe to have him as #3. Should have lost this round but since that isn’t an option needs to not be SOH.

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