Rep. Ilhan Omar Deletes “Libelous” Tweet About Covington Boys After Lawsuit Threat – IOTW Report

Rep. Ilhan Omar Deletes “Libelous” Tweet About Covington Boys After Lawsuit Threat

Dan Bongino: Leftist Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D- MN) deleted a defamatory tweet about the students from Covington Catholic High School after their attorney threatened to sue her for libel.

On Tuesday, Omar tweeted that the Covington students made insensitive comments about rape and were “taunting” the “Black Hebrew Israelites” who were actually harassing the students.


Omar–as PJ Media points out–was wrong about everything she tweeted except for the fact that student Nicholas Sandmann’s family did indeed hire a PR firm to help him combat the hostile media reporting about him and his fellow students.

Robert Barnes, who is now representing the Covington families pro bono quickly pounced on Omar’s tweet, responding, “This is libel. Retract, or get sued.”  MORE

9 Comments on Rep. Ilhan Omar Deletes “Libelous” Tweet About Covington Boys After Lawsuit Threat

  1. It’s nice that so many are retracting but I have to wonder why it was ‘retract or we’ll sue’ rather then ‘here’s the papers, you’ve been served’? This could have kept a lot of these lefty scuds in court for a few years and sweating bullets all that time. I suspect the kids parents could afford it.

  2. I agree with scr. There’s no negative consequences for the leftist jerks. It needs to be that they get hammered without a warning. Now, they just do what they want and then retract a tweet. Nothing bad happens so there’s no deterrent.

  3. And she is now sitting on the Foreign Affairs committee and after she praised the new Somalian President, he put her brother-in-law in his administration.

    No conflict of interest with Jihadi Incest Magazine cover girl there.

  4. I think they should sue anyways…top dollar…no out of court settlements at all… and donate all the settlement funds they win from these shitlibs to pro-life charities and organizations.

  5. Cavewoman still living in the stone age…

    Geez Wally! Is she really that stupid that she doesn’t realize everybody carrys a cell phone today?

    Yup Beave. It’s called Black Hole Stupid.
    Stupid that has collapsed in on itself.
    Stupid so dense no intellect can possibly escape The Stupid.
    Nothing in our universe is more stupid!


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