Rep. Jim Jordan Thumps Anti-Trumper Neil Cavuto over Democrats’ Garbage Claims that Trump is Defunding US Postal Service (VIDEO) – IOTW Report

Rep. Jim Jordan Thumps Anti-Trumper Neil Cavuto over Democrats’ Garbage Claims that Trump is Defunding US Postal Service (VIDEO)

Gateway Pundit:

Jim Jordan is always TERRIFIC!

The popular Ohio conservative went on with Anti-Trumper Neil Cavuto to discuss the Democrat Party’s latest conspiracy over disappearing mailboxes.

Democrats want Americans to believe that the evil Orange Man is ripping out mailboxes and postal sorting machines to corrupt the November election.
It’s completely crazy but they are running with it.

Democrats are hoping to sully the election process when President Trump wins again so they can continue their attacks on the popular US president. WATCH

h/t BadBrad

12 Comments on Rep. Jim Jordan Thumps Anti-Trumper Neil Cavuto over Democrats’ Garbage Claims that Trump is Defunding US Postal Service (VIDEO)

  1. Saying, “The Democrats are saying X,Y, and Z, how do you respond to this?” is not an indication of being a Never Trumper, in fact, it provides a counterpoint to the lies spread by the Democrats. Is there any real evidence that Cavuto hates Trump?

    I am against mail-in ballots for the simple fact that it is impossible to safeguard. Voting is a sacred duty and because of its importance requires diligent monitoring, thus, when you go to a polling venue to vote, your name must be on the list of registered voters and you have to show ID that you are you. Mail-in voting negates all these safeguards, there is no proof that the person that filled out the ballot is the right person, or is a registered voter. And what’s to stop someone from mailing in a ballot then going to a voting venue and double voting in person?

    The time delay does not bother me, the new president (or old) does not start his term until 10 weeks after election day. The sanctity of the process, getting it right and providing safeguards for fraud, that is what’s important.

  2. Not sure if MS destroys the voice box as well as every muscle in your body but he dose have Multiple Sclerosis . Having said that , it still makes me dislike the political side he is on that wants to destroy the BEST POTUS Donald Trump we have ever had. God don’t like ugly Neil

  3. Neil Cavuto sounds like he has a permanent ball of phlegm lodged in his throat. Yuk! Listening to him speak makes me wanna gag. Clear the phlegm ball from your throat, you freak!

  4. Cavuto has a “tell”. If you watch him enough you know what it is. When the interview isn’t going according to his plan, He looks down at the table, lowers his voice, mumbles something like “Well, we’ll hafta see” and that’s the cue to cut off the guest, go to a break or the usual “THIS IS A FOX NEWS ALERT!!!”

  5. I work in Logistics – a trendy term for delivery boy. As such, I interface with the USPS daily, and it’s in my interest to know what they’re up to.

    The USPS has been ripping up the iconic blue boxes for a decade. New housing developments (last 20+ years) never had them installed. The mail sorters being dismantled are the FSS (Flat Sorting System) – a near-billion dollar fiasco that never did work well, or, generally, at all.

    Does the USPS’ ripping up of mailboxes disproportionately affect the poorer neighborhoods? You betcha, because the wealthier parts of town never had the things. As for the FSS, Flats are any mailpiece greater than 6″ x 11.25″ x 1/4″. I’ve never seen a mail-in ballot that size, when sealed in its envelope.

    The media isn’t technically wrong on these two points, but the “spin”, as always, is just a pack of lies.


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