Rep. Keith Ellison Dodges On Repealing Tax Cuts – IOTW Report

Rep. Keith Ellison Dodges On Repealing Tax Cuts


DNC Vice Chair Keith Ellison dodged four times when asked Sunday night if his party would repeal tax cuts if they won a majority in Congress.  WATCH


9 Comments on Rep. Keith Ellison Dodges On Repealing Tax Cuts

  1. Islamic Pig
    Who calls himself
    Keith Ellison
    And who the American Communist Party
    Who call themselves Democrats
    Are proud to have as their
    National Chairman
    What more need be said of
    Pig Ellison
    Pig DNC
    The Republican Party is NOT
    The be-all and end-all
    with exceptions like McCain and other jerks
    The Republicans are not
    as is the American Communist Party
    who call themselves
    Democrats !

  2. The DNC voted to banish Jesus God from their platform, rejected, scorned.

    Don’t remember the vote to banish Allah, a hateful man. But Keith worships him.

  3. I know Keith Ellison is a mussie, communist mother fuc
    That’s a given. An axiom.
    But Steve Kornacki? Watch Steve’s act on MSNBC on election night 2016. You can find it at youtube. It is out of this world phucking hilarious. They both suck big time. I’m laughing my ass off. I need another drink. LLLLOOOLLL

  4. Sure it blows a hole in the budget, well QUIT giving yourself raises funding slush funds to pay off sex complaints against congress. QUIT subsidizing illegal immigrants who have never contributed anything to our economy. QUIT supporting people who don’t work and get all kind of benefits ordinary people and veterans are refused. On and on and on !!!!!!!!!!!!


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