Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Rips Into Hunter Biden Testimony – IOTW Report

 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Rips Into Hunter Biden Testimony

Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene on Wednesday tore into Hunter Biden for crying victim as he lied about his overseas business dealings, selling the Biden family name, in a closed-door deposition before the United States House of Representatives. 

“The theme that we heard in the room was Hunter Biden’s a liar. The Biden family has no product and no service, and Hunter Biden can’t hide behind his addiction,” Greene told reporters.

“Hunter Biden is a liar, and while Hunter Biden claims that the only person that has evidence of a bribe is being locked up in LA, everyone needs to remember that his father is also President of the United States and is also head of the regime that is conducting the prosecution and witch hunt against all of his political opponents,” she continued. more

6 Comments on  Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Rips Into Hunter Biden Testimony

  1. The Shock Value of these Laura Ingraham Mean Girls lewd stuff has worn off. It will be COUNTER-PRODUCTIVE in the PUBLIC Hearing and is exactly what THEY want.


    Do IT the WAY Matt Gaetz did with Lloyd yesterday.


  2. DC is a cesspool of egos, avarice, greed, liars, self-centered, arrogant and treasonous psychopaths on both sides of the isle. How they can betray American citizens and even their own families selling their very souls for money / power is quite disturbing. They have absolutely no regard for anything other than themselves. It’s as if they think they’re going to live forever. It’s truly amazing that a person’s drive / motivations for self-enrichment overrides all compassion, patriotism and regard for the country. These people are nasty, evil and slimy examples of the worst of humanity.


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