Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Votes NO on impeachment – IOTW Report

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Votes NO on impeachment

And then she rubbed the Dems’ noses in it.

@Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene:
I proudly defended President Trump on the House floor against yet another attempt to remove him from office. Extreme rhetoric from Democrats created an entire year of BLM/Antifa terrorism. Tonight, I exposed their hypocrisy.

9 Comments on Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Votes NO on impeachment

  1. Marjorie Taylor Greene speaking the truth in Congress, how did they allow that.
    6 Days……..
    I suspect more conservative sites will vanish, maybe this one.
    First attacks will be in cities that have voted to de-fund police. If the insurrection act isn’t passed. B & H in inaugurated will start rounding up MEGA supporters.
    If the insurrection act is passed, expect Chinese troops.
    Lin Wood even suggested an EMP over the USA.

    China Amassing “Tens-of-Thousands” of Troops in Canada

  2. The impeachment is just a slap in the face to Trump and his supporters and a warning to the right to never, ever try this again.

    And a prelude to the prosecution of Trump and his family.

    It will probably have that same effect if it fails, although not as great an effect as it would if it succeeds.


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