Rep Mark Meadows Drops A Few Bombshells At The End of IG Hearing – IOTW Report

Rep Mark Meadows Drops A Few Bombshells At The End of IG Hearing


21 Comments on Rep Mark Meadows Drops A Few Bombshells At The End of IG Hearing

  1. When do we start talking treason? The deep state and elites do not like the results of the last election. They are replacing you with hoards from 3rd world sh*tholes.

  2. screwing us and themselves. wow. What a job. I am begginning to think that the light at the end of the tunnel may actually be daylight, and not that train. Its giving me more hope. That and what Trump is doing.

  3. OT related. . .

    Meanwhile. . . in order to distract you
    MSNBC will be broadcasting thier 3 BigTop EVIL-LIVE Night shows from a Texas safe-space all night tonight. NON-Stop.

    Tomorrow will have Major Network Mourning Shows eating Burrito lunches too.
    This is co-ordinated Media.

    Laugh at it.

  4. Isn’t it AMAZING that it took 2 days to get the IG to fess up that the FBI asked these thugs names not be revealed because they worked in counter-terrorism but the IG KNEW all along that 2 of them DID NOT!

  5. Another item from the IG hearing. Hillary Clinton was never the subject of an fbi investigation. I am so grateful that Trump beat that bitch and is now President Trump!

  6. The porn term for this (recent knowledge for me) is “edging”. Bringing the subject of the administration right up to the edge of the abyss (of orgasm) and holding them there as long as possible.

    In other words, fucked with, not fucked to completion.

    Loved to be proved wrong but I don’t think any of this is going anywhere. I do think that if about (the right) ten people had their brain pans turned into a canoe, there might just be a new day dawning in the governance of this nation. Short of that, the morning news remains the same.

    I see the chances of that happening about the same as me being selected to colonize Mars.

  7. Corruption, collusion, sedition, treason, infidelity, lies, cover-ups, spies, NSA, CIA, FBI, DOJ, former president and his staff, the DNC, never trumpers, a senile, cancerous near death senator and a complicit media. If this were were fiction, no one would believe it.

    The cabal of players in this manufactured and created script of lies and schemes must be held accountable, now !
    When will “equal” justice be applied to the political elite who have brought this treason upon this nation?

    Have we lost the Nation of freedom, liberty, truth and justice?
    From what has transpired and come to light, The republic hangs in the balance.

  8. Deep State spies from Britain feed false information,
    And lady lawyers from Small Group dream of power trip fellation,
    And if you want these kind of fools it’s Quanticopulation.

    It’s complete loss of morals among the elites of our nation,
    If pants may drop in DC in the middle of an investigation,
    It’s understood the FBI sells Quanticopulation…

  9. Watched most of it. Was not impressed with Horowitz. Good questions put forth to him but I was like “aren’t you the guy who investigated the investigators, to the tune of 586 pages? Are you here today? We are talking about your report, right?” Half-answers, reluctance to speak clearly, congressman having to put forth obvious problems and connect the dots where it seemed like he never considered such things during his investigation. I sent this to AG Session today while watching the hearing. I had to pare it way down as they only allow 2000 characters with the contact form at the DOJ. I suggest everyone call/contact every elected official they can. Let them know what’s up.

    “Dear Mr. Sessions,

    When do the arrests begin? Thus far, it appears there is an application of justice for those who are part of the “club” and for those of us who are, well, “deplorable.” We watched as the previous administration weaponized government agencies (IRS) against us, divided us with a radical, race-based enforcement of law (AG Holder, who was held in contempt of congress), allowed Sec. Clinton to travel the world and use her position to enrich herself through her foundation and sell-out American interests, and which lied to us on multiple occasions about the events which took place on 9/11/2012 in Benghazi, Libya. This lie was uniformly reinforced by President 0bama, VP Biden, Sec. Rice, and Sec. Clinton. That nothing was done in these abuses of power and dereliction
    of office was the ultimate slap in the face to American people.

    As millions of other Americans, I am closely following the hearings regarding the current abuse of power at the highest levels of our
    justice department. This is treason. This is sedition. This is an assault upon the American people and the President whom we elected.
    You preside over this department. This is your job. You work for us.

    Will these abuses of power be overlooked as the aforementioned were? A class of middle-school students could successfully prosecute this case at this point. What is the delay? Please explain this delay and assure the American people that you are awake and handling this and that people will, in fact, be going to jail, and this includes Hillary Clinton and Barack 0bama.

    This is not a Third World, Banana Republic. We do not live in a Police State.

    We will not be gaslighted.”

    Name Redacted

  10. Think logically…..
    You already know more than you know…
    Change your underwear every day…..Brush your teeth after every meal.

    Think logically, two scoops or one…
    You know what you want.
    Don’t dribble ice cream on your clean shirt.

    The good guys are taking charge.
    The bad guys are taking orders…. do you want fries with that?

    Keep your eye on the white ball, then break.
    You know how to win, think logically,
    8 ball in the side pocket

  11. The fact that hillary was never formally the subject of an investigation may not by itself be a crime, but it damn sure tells you that the BIG TIME FIX was in. We need some honest, law abiding FBI agents to come forward.

  12. Was the supposed Page-Stroker “affair” actually verified by the IG? Falsely copping to an affair to cover up something criminal isn’t exactly a new plot line.


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