Rep. Mikie Sherrill (D., N.J.) Accuses Colleagues Of Conducting “Surveillance” For Capitol Rioters – IOTW Report

Rep. Mikie Sherrill (D., N.J.) Accuses Colleagues Of Conducting “Surveillance” For Capitol Rioters

Jonathan Turley:

As reported by Newsweek, Rep. Mikie Sherrill (D., N.J.) has gone public with an extraordinary allegation against some of her colleagues that they conducted secret surveillance in a conspiracy with rioters at the Capitol. If true, those members could be criminally charged and expelled from the House. Conversely, if Sherrill has no such evidence, she could (and should) face a resolution of censure or resolution.

Sherrill said in a Tuesday night Facebook live address to her constituents that she witnessed the surveillance personally. She said unidentified members of Congress “had groups coming through the Capitol” in “a reconnaissance for the next day.” Sherrill pledged to see those lawmakers “are held accountable, and if necessary, ensure that they don’t serve in Congress.” more

25 Comments on Rep. Mikie Sherrill (D., N.J.) Accuses Colleagues Of Conducting “Surveillance” For Capitol Rioters

  1. If true, the people will be held accountable — assuming they are Republicans.

    If not, Sherrill will be punished right after everyone else who has spied against the American people or participated in the ongoing coup attempts against President Trump.

    In other words, never. Remember, being a Democrat means never having to pay for your lies.

  2. that could not be true….to BE true, it would mean there would be video on the day of the “riots” showing Capital Police letting in groups and escorting them to select spots in the Capital building…….oh wait??????

  3. “She said unidentified members of Congress “had groups coming through the Capitol” in “a reconnaissance for the next day.””

    Unidentified members, unnamed sources, unspecified groups, unknown this and unknown that —— I’m getting kind of tired of all these allegations without names and identities attached to them so they can be either verified or dismissed up front.

  4. “ Unidentified members, unnamed sources, unspecified groups, unknown this and unknown that —— I’m getting kind of tired of all these allegations without names and identities attached to them so they can be either verified or dismissed up front.”

    Said Anonymous. Must be a joke.

  5. Why, I saws ‘em. I saws ‘em making’ maps drawn in blood, I did. They drawed ‘em right thar on the Captal steps, they did. An’ it was one o’ THEM that brunged ‘em, an’ they all were connoiterin’ an’ a-spying’ an’ a-plotting’ to take ober da WORLD, I tells ya. I sawed ‘em. I sawed ‘em doin’ it.

  6. MJA, remember the words of the great Tom Foley: “The seriousness of the charge mandates that we investigate this. Even though there is no evidence the seriousness of the charge is what matters.”

    Of course that only applies to accusations against Republicans.

  7. ^ Handsome – when he spoke at The Alamo the other day, I was hoping he’d stay out of D.C. and then return on the 20th with a 200,000-man force and just take the place, thereafter shutting it down.

    Then, he’d call for a brand new Constitutional Convention to reset the Federal Government. Then, 80,000,000 armed patriots would be deputized and lockdown the leftists (code for ‘eliminate’) while the adults in the nation decide on a new Constitution.

    Then my alarm clock went off and I woke up.

    Oh, with Putin, I use a special ‘Red Line.’ Sorry.

  8. MJA – “…If the R’s were smart, they would push her to reveal what she knows, and never let up…”

    It’s too bad that you had to begin that comment with the word, IF. Everything else afterword is moot.


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