Rep. Peter T. King: Donald Trump Jr. interview casts doubt on any ‘collusion’ – IOTW Report

Rep. Peter T. King: Donald Trump Jr. interview casts doubt on any ‘collusion’

Washington Times: Rep. Peter T. King said Sunday it’s difficult to conclude there was any collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign based on a recent interview Donald Trump Jr. gave to congressional investigators.

“Nobody listening to that interview could come out of that thinking there was any collusion at all. This is totally phony,” Mr. King, New York Republican, said on Fox News.

Mr. King is a member of the House Intelligence Committee, which recently interviewed the younger Mr. Trump as part of its investigation into ties between Russia and the Trump campaign.

Mr. King said the worst thing the president could do now would be to remove special counsel Robert Mueller, who is conducting a criminal investigation, saying such a move would give Democrats and the media an opportunity to “blow this up and come up with another phony issue.”

He said once the collusion issue is set aside, investigators can turn to matters involving former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the president’s 2016 campaign opponent, such as a uranium deal involving Russia and the Clinton-led State Department during the Obama administration.

7 Comments on Rep. Peter T. King: Donald Trump Jr. interview casts doubt on any ‘collusion’

  1. “Mr. King said the worst thing the president could do now would be to remove special counsel Robert Mueller, who is conducting a criminal investigation, saying such a move would give Democrats and the media an opportunity to “blow this up and come up with another phony issue.”

    I agree with him.
    I think and hope that the President has nothing to hide, and that this investigation is just bringing up the Democrats wrongdoings.

  2. “Nobody listening to that interview could come out of that thinking there was any collusion at all. This is totally phony,”
    And that’s the problem, it’s never been about thinking – it’s been about “feeelings”.

  3. The real collusion was between the Clinton campaign, the Obama White House, the DoJ, and the FBI to try to frame a President elect with any crime they could pin on him to force him from office. They are all fucking criminals and total scum. Democrats turn everything to shit… every… fucking… thing.

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