H. Res.
In the House of Representatives, U.S.,
March 25. 2025.
Whereas on March 22, 2025, the Representative from Texas, Ms. Jasmine Crockett, spoke at a Human Rights Campaign event in a manner unbecoming of a Member of Congress, calling the Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, “Governor Hot Wheels,” and a “hot ass mess.”
Whereas the remarks from the Representative from Texas are discriminatory in nature and are the latest in a continued series of inappropriate comments expressed by the Representative from Texas, such as on May 16, 2024, during a House Committee on Oversight and Investigations hearing, Representative Crockett espoused inflammatory comments about the appearance of another Member of Congress: Now, therefore be it Resolved. That—
(1) Representative Jasmine Crockett be censured;
(2) Representative Jasmine Crockett forthwith present herself in the well of the House of Representatives for the pronouncement of censure; and
(3) Representative Jasmine Crockett be censured with the public reading of this resolution by the Speaker.
What a worthless N piece shit this cunt is. JFC… Just shut your chitlin’s munching pie hole you racist bitch.
m. toilet-water’s piehole replacement
Add this to the pile, from an Anonymous on another thread…
…get a handle, Anonymous, credit where credit is due…
previous commentary from j. crock of shit…80% of violent crime by yt-supremacists
anything bez ok if u gots de right skin culuh, plumbing, po-liti-cal party
Don’t mistake her for what she is. She’s a full blown agitator. She’s a wealthy trust fund baby that just loves the idea of anarchy. The ghetto bitch thing is an act.
Too bad censure doesn’t include the bastinado.
Brad is correct. She is just cosplaying ghetto. She is in the same vein as Hillary and her “hot sauce” and Kamala faking black.
watch for the dindu-victim rallies, like the baton-attacker
Sorry, guys. Ratchet Crockett may have an upper class background and education, but her roots are straight up low class.
Sure, she’s groomed to come off as an elite, but deep down she’s trash. She doesn’t have to reach far to put on a ghetto queen act.
Hopefully, she’ll soon be indicted for fraud or some other crime no doubt she’s committed. Problem solved. BTW, that reporter might consider suing her for assault.
This may be the least of her worries. Looks like an assault charge might have been filed.