Rep. Ron Kind(D-WI) won’t seek reelection – IOTW Report

Rep. Ron Kind(D-WI) won’t seek reelection

MADISON – U.S. Rep. Ron Kind announced Tuesday he would not seek re-election next year, creating a wide-open race in Wisconsin’s most competitive congressional district as Democrats try to protect their slim majority in Congress.

“The truth is I’ve run out of gas,” the La Crosse Democrat told reporters.

The move comes a year away from the 2022 primaries and as Republican Derrick Van Orden prepares a bid for the district that runs through Western and central Wisconsin. Van Orden narrowly lost to Kind in 2020.  more here

4 Comments on Rep. Ron Kind(D-WI) won’t seek reelection

  1. Somewhat related, for those IOTW’ers that have a GOP senator that voted for the pernicious $1 trillion infrastructure bill, send them an email or better yet a phone call and ask them what conservative principles they utilized as justification for their YES vote. And if anyone gets a reply, please share it on the site. Here is the list;

    I don’t know what’s worse, living in a state (like myself) where you never have GOP representation, or living in one and constantly getting punched in the nose by a rep who is forever looking for his or her balls. I honestly would like their thinking on this matter explained to me.

  2. Rich Taylor, I have two Republican Senators. Inhofe once was fairly conservative, but then he was there too long. I guess folks with Democrats or even bigger RINOS like Susan Collins probably say he’s conservative, but he pisses us off all the time. Whether people are stupid or cheating going on in primaries has kept him there is up in the air. My bet this last primary, I didn’t come across one Republican voter who wanted him back in Washington, yet he went back.
    Lameford as he’s known around these parts, I lean towards people were stupid when he was first elected to the Senate serving out the rest of Coburn’s term. In 2016 I think there was cheating going on. If he wins this primary I guarantee it will be due to cheating. His opponent seems like one that will force an audit of the primary, but I guess we’ll see.

    We get stuck with a lot of RINOS, still have many, just about every U.S. Rep in our state is a RINO. I had high hopes for Mullin when he first ran and I did vote for him. It didn’t take him long though to become part of the elites and figuring out how profitable being a U.S. Rep is. I guarantee his last election was won through cheating. People don’t like liars and he promised he would only serve three terms, then when he didn’t keep that promise he lied and said that wasn’t what he said.
    He played the good ol’ country boy routine well.

  3. ORWW, thanks for the reply.

    Pinning down senators is easier because there are only two of them.

    These guys need to explain to the folks back home every single vote they cast and when a bill like this bloated monstrosity gets their assent, accountability must be demanded.

    If these senators are not fiscally responsible, care nothing for the inevitable bankruptcy sure to come, and really do think that people need big government to save them from themselves, they need to know the folks are paying attention and do not support this naked contradiction of conservative values.

  4. SD is ripe with rinos. Both senators and our lone congresscritter. The rep party runs this state and is crooked as a dogs hind leg. We need an audit here too, republicans win every major election. The primaries is where it all happens.

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