Rep. Scalise: ‘People Ought to Go to Jail; I Have Seen Some Classified Information’ – IOTW Report

Rep. Scalise: ‘People Ought to Go to Jail; I Have Seen Some Classified Information’

Hopefully Durham names names.

CNS: “People ought to go to jail” and, once U.S. Attorney John Durham’s report on the origins of the Trump-Russia probe comes out, Attorney General William Barr should put them there, House Republican Whip Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.) said Thursday in an interview on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity.”

Scalise said he has seen classified information leading him to agree with President Donald Trump’s charge Thursday that some “very crooked people” and “dirty cops” were behind the impeachment effort – and the attorney general should “go after those people and put them in jail, Scalise said”:

“Sean, you know, the president was very candid today. You know, clearly he has been focused on doing his job. But, I think it was important today that he pointed out that there is some very crooked people, including some dirty cops, who are still out there. That’s why, you know, I agree with you on Wray – but, the one I’m most interested in is the Durham report. Because, Sean, people need to be held accountable. They abused their power to literally try to take down a candidate for president of the United States. WATCH

9 Comments on Rep. Scalise: ‘People Ought to Go to Jail; I Have Seen Some Classified Information’

  1. The “Durham Report”. Please, God, no. Durham is a prosecutor. Prosecutors don’t issue public “reports”. They either indict or they don’t. i’m interested in seeing some perpwalks and handcuffs.

  2. More than jail is needed. There has to be a thorough top to bottom deep cleaning of all government agencies. If they can’t be impartial to political parties in their work roles they need to find employment elsewhere. They also need to change rules where employees can be either terminated or at least demoted when found guilty of wrong doing. Get rid of the unions as right now it nearly impossible to go beyond a slap on the wrist and for serious offences loss of pensions. Would save taxpayers a ton of money freeing it up for the government to waste on something else.

  3. The only “report” I want to see from Durham is a long list of names with their criminal charges listed along with the
    decades of jail time that are being requested for each.
    And I want to see them no later than mid-summer.

  4. Elected (and appointed) office is a license to steal. Not holding my breath.

    I hate politicians for what they have done to this country, and for how cynical they have made us as a result.


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