Reparations: A cynical vote-buying scheme – IOTW Report

Reparations: A cynical vote-buying scheme

Patriot Retort:

It isn’t by chance that this push for race-based Reparations is happening in the run up to the 2020 election.

The Democrats know full well that no bill to pay race-based reparations (to people who were never slaves, paid for by people who were never slaveholders) will ever pass through Congress, let alone get to President Trump’s desk.

They also know that race-based Reparations is logistically impossible and most likely unconstitutional.

So why the dog and pony show?

Well, I have some thoughts on that.

First, it’s a ham-handed and cynical vote-buying scheme. That’s pretty much a given.

Democrats want to campaign in 2020 on “Look, black people! We’re the party that wants to hand other people’s money over to you because of the color of your skin!  Vote for us!!!”

But I think it’s more than that.

23 Comments on Reparations: A cynical vote-buying scheme

  1. As I noted before, since the slave-holders were overwhelmingly democrats, and the post-civil war ex-slaves were predominantly republicans, if reparations are to be paid, they should be paid by white democrats to black republicans.

  2. Think about the DNC resume going into 2020:



    Kill babies

    Border chaos


    Failing leftist cities



    Sanctuary states

    Fake news and polls

    Radical left

    Good luck with that. Trump 2020, landslide.

  3. It would never come to be, nor would it be allowed to stand constitutionally, if it did.

    It does need to be pointed out to the intended recipients, that it is all theatrics and that they are being pandered to and used as pawns. That, to my mind, is the task at hand. Once blacks, or other minorities have given up their vote, they will again be forgotten. Until the next election.

  4. How about reparations for white people
    who have been forced to pay oppressive
    taxation to support undisabled lifelong
    parasites on welfare.

    Time to call it for what it is .

  5. So just when does the Statute of Limitations run out on when relatives of slaves can collect from relatives of slave owners?

    Still waitin for the ancestors of the Romans to pony up to me for all of the crap they pulled on my Welsh ancestors, you know, like makin us slaves and such. And don’t get me started on the muzzies.

    Some of my dearest friends are descendants of Italian immigrants ans I don’t hold them responsible for anything that occurred before they were born. But then I’m not looking for an excuse as to why I may fail at something in life.

  6. Unfortunately, this works, because the majority of blacks are pretty damned stupid and fall for this grift every… single… time. They will never learn… ever.

  7. Free Shit has always been a big seller.

    Socialism is based on the foundational lie of Free Shit. If I give you free shit, you let me control every aspect of your life. DEAL?

    Free Education.
    Free Food.
    Free Time.
    Free to laze about.
    Free Healthcare.
    Free Money.
    Free Phone.
    Free Dope.
    Free Liquor.
    Free from Responsibility.
    Free from Decisions.
    Free Sex.
    Free Place to Sleep.

    Utopia. Just place yourself in MY hands. Give ME absolute power. You’ll never have to bother your pointy little head about anything, ever again!
    Reach out and GRAB the DREAM!

    Reparations is a return to Slavery.
    Make a lazy bunch of asocial culture-less feral savages totally dependent on the largess of a feckless political group. OH! And throw in the extermination of their children (for free) as an extra-added bonus!

    What a DEAL!

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Reparations = ticket home.
    Not happy here in America, here’s your ticket back to whatever crap hole you came from.
    Take the ticket and go…….., or shut the hell up!!!

  9. History repeats?

    “If we can pass this bullshit legislation, them niggers will vote democrat for the next two hundred years”.

    …or something like that.


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