The Goldwater Effect.

Regated: Everyone hated Goldwater. You remember Barry Goldwater, right? Goldwater was crass. Goldwater made rude statements. Goldwater had a trigger finger with nuclear weapons. The quintessential ‘Moderate Republican’ Nelson Rockefeller called Goldwater’s rhetoric “dangerous”and “frightening.”  Sound familiar?

But, Goldwater fought back, and he fought hard: his convention speech had 32 instances of the word “Republican” in a 3,100-word rebuke of the establishment (compared to just 3 in the 4,900 words of Reagan’s convention address). 52 years later, Democrats and Republicans are saying the same thing for a different Republican presidential candidate: Donald Trump.

Every Republican candidate expects Democrats to label them a reckless, warmongering, woman-hating Ku Klux Klan Manchurian candidate because it happens ever 4 years. Goldwater’s campaign slogan was, “In your heart, you know he’s right.” Democrat Lyndon Johnson released the infamous ‘Daisy’ ad of a little girl dying in the nuclear apocalypse with a counter-slogan: “In your guts, you know he’s nuts.” Ok, fine. We saw that one coming.

But Republican sabotage hurt. Pennsylvania governor William Scranton called Goldwater’s platform a “crazy quilt collection of absurd and dangerous positions” and that Barry “too casually prescribed nuclear war as a solution to a troubled war.” Nelson Rockefeller, then Republican Governor of New York, publicly called for a formal disavowal of “extremism.”

Today, we see the same from Speaker Paul Ryan rallying against our nominee using the same baseless, cliché attacks that the left used against him and Romney in 2012. Why?  MORE


  1. I voted for Goldwater. It was the first election I was old enough (barely) to vote in. Now I’ll be voting in a similar manner. Guess I’ve always been a rebel.

    P.S. – They told me if I voted for Goldwater I’d wind up going to fight in a land war in Asia. Well, I voted for Goldwater and sure enough, they were right.


  2. Good metaphor Inigo.

    Ryan is a low down scum sucker. I’d have to say my biggest disappointment this election season was his devastating win over Nehlen. I sure hope it remains so.

    If you think a Trump victory will usher in a new era of whittling down government and rolling back the too big to fail cabal, you need to get your head straight. Ryan & McConnell, the entrenched bureaucracies, the left dominated media, the sewer culture, all of them will go into overdrive to do whatever they can to neutralize Trump.

    It’s going to a bitch to just get back to zero much less start to turn this shit back on them.

  3. I am not a Republican.
    I voted FAITHFULLY since I was old enough.
    They have rolled over for Barry like a compliant whore.
    I am a Trumpican
    The Man gets my vote.
    The Party can kiss my ass
    I wish he had run as an Independent so Jeb could have Trump kick his ass all day every day

  4. republican or democrat?
    “at this point what difference does it make”?

    it’s the political establishment, media and their liv voters against the rest of the citizens.

    notice how they always want to shut up or eliminate dissenters to their policies? basket of deplorables?

    the battle lines are being drawn.

    just remember which side actually believes in it’s convictions and doesn’t just use them as a scam for votes, money or sex.

  5. Viet vet, AUH2O in 64! I was 11 at the time and I still remember that. LBJ did a terrible job of escalating that damned war after the Gulf of Tonkin incident in 65 or so. I have a friend who was on the USS Turner Joy, one of the US destroyers involved in that unprovoked attack by the N. Vietnamese Navy that led to the escalation of the war amongst other things. It wasn’t Goldwater’s or the GOP’s war and the Republicans are the ones who ended it except that that democraps sabotaged our victory when they caused us to walk away from victory after 1973. I was on board the USS Kitty Hawk CV 63 right after Saigon fell in May 1975 on our way to the Philippines and witnessed the first of the boat people coming into the PI for refuge from the communist takeover of S. Vietnam. Those were interesting days, believe me to have seen that in person when I was 22 years old and is probably the biggest reason why I don’t trust or like democraps.

  6. The democrats are fully supporting a candidate many, if not most, despise. An extremely flawed and criminally minded woman. A foul mouthed, ill-tempered, power grabbing, grifter, with a horrid husband. Democrats are not blinded to her negatives, most have experienced them personally. But they bouy her, through the barrage of sewage known and still being released. Amazing.

    Then you have the cancerous, self-defeating, traitorous, treacherous, complacent and colluding, lying bastards calling themselves ‘conservatives’, running at the crap storm the liberals are throwing at Trump.

    Instead of powering through and reminding the world of the many known and still being discovered sins of HRC and emphasizing the exteremes she will foist upon freedom, these chicken shit republicans run screaming, ‘The sky is falling!’

    The liberals have a rotten lemon candidate, with which they make sugary sweet lemonade, hoping to get the suckers to buy it, and ignore the rotten and sour origins of the fruit. Then they throw the seeds and rind at the conservatives.

    The republicans make lemonade, taste the lemonade and if it is a bit sour, they toss it, try to cover it and pretend they never even tried to make it. When all they have to do is add a bit of sugar (loyalty) and up their sales pitch.

    The loss of the houses of congress will be laid directly at the feet of that wishy washy, lying, treacherously colluding and self-aggrandizing Paul Ryan.

  7. And Goldwater won what?
    With friends like Ryan, Trump doesn’t need enemies.
    Hillary’s already bought off the vote counters, anyway. And the MSM goes along with this.

    We should really be discussing what to do after H wins and is inaugurated. Q1 next year will be an interesting study in economics.

    For Trump to win, he’ll need 20-25% of the 50% that doesn’t vote to go to the polls for him. That’s to make up for the 10% of RINOS that will not vote for him, and 10% of his votes that get tossed before they’re counted.

  8. Goldwater told the truth. Johnson lied and got elected. Johnson did more to destroy America than any president before or since. He escalated the war in Vietnam without listening to the generals who warned him that it wouldn’t be enough to win the war. He lied about the war to get elected. He greatly expanded the Great Welfare Society without providing for any means of paying for it. It has been a colossal failure. Look at Detroit or Baltimore for proof of how successful the vast expansion of the welfare system worked out. Goldwater warned about the dangers of expanding the size of government in order to buy votes. Goldwater was an honest man. He told the truth and got badly defeated by a congenital liar. The press ridiculed Goldwater, and tilted towards Johnson. Goldwater was branded a warmonger who was too unstable to have his hands on the nation’s nuclear arsenal. Somethings never change.The more things change, the more they remain the same.

  9. Johnson single-handedly destroyed the black family by making it more attractive to have no husband/father in the home and receive welfare instead. The government became the surrogate parent and look where that has gotten us today. He knew how easy it is to control the population when they are completely dependent on the dole.

    I despise this man as much as I despise killer Ted Kennedy and Killary Clinton.

  10. They did the same to Reagan.

    Remember John Anderson? That’s why the Reagan Democrats were so important.

    They can be beaten and Trump is doing it by bringing in Indies, Reagan Democrats, blacks, hispanics, and maybe even some Bernies.

  11. Irk Irkson led off yesterday by admitting that Trump won the debate, then said nobody watched after the first twenty minutes which Trump was losing. Then he started touting the “11 point poll lead for Hillary”, never questioning the origin or internals if the poll…

    Finally, he brought up the “Trump said ninja” rumor/smear to give it so.e airtime, then he left for the day, andcturned it over to a guest-parrot, who again touted the poll.

    Whatever happens, don’t let it get you down. We are fighting the Globalist Uniparty at a major turning point. Like the lady said yesterday, fight it like a war to the end.

  12. Read the internals for that poll over at CTH. It’s bullshit. In fact it’s not only bullshit, it’s impossible.

    Check out her speech in Detroit-she drew about 200. Trump had over 10,000 last night with 1,000s more outside.

    The left dominated media is rabid. They have pulled out all the stops to make it look like Trump is flaming out. And media like the WSJ, that has pretended for years to be conservative, has revealed their true colors.

  13. Ronald Reagan campaigned for Goldwater because Barry was one of a few stand up guys in an era of globalist progressive think that was sweeping the nation and world. I truly believe that if America would have elected Barry Goldwater we would have remained a free nation instead of devolving into what we have today.

    We can’t let these bastards continue to throw us down the hole farther by furthering the ideals of globalist progressiveness! Watch the video and tell me what was said in 1964 wasn’t true then and especially now that the progressive globalists have already done much of their dirty deeds! As I have said before “This is the last battle in the war to turn back to the ideals of the founders of this the greatest experiment the United States of America.”

    Televised Campaign Address for Goldwater Presidential Campaign – 10/27/64. :^

  14. Pauly Ryan, equivalent for shitpickle. Why the establishment RINO/Uniparty keeps putting in the version of Pelosi without saggy bewbs is confounding to us. Same results with crybaby John. Voting them out by any means possible is the only way to remove these vermin from Congress.

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