Report: 15-Month-Old Girl Dies from Organ Failure and Cardiac Arrest Two Days After Receiving Three Vaccines During Routine Visit – IOTW Report

Report: 15-Month-Old Girl Dies from Organ Failure and Cardiac Arrest Two Days After Receiving Three Vaccines During Routine Visit

Melody had received three – for varicella (chickenpox), DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis), and Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b bacteria).

GP: In a heart-wrenching incident, Melody Rain Palombi-Malmgren, a 15-month-old girl, tragically passed away two days after receiving routine vaccinations. Her mother, Katherine Palombi, recalls the shock and sorrow of losing a child who was the epitome of joy and health.

On October 17, during a routine 15-month well-visit at the Herbert Kania Pediatric Group in Warwick, New York, Melody received three vaccines, News12 Westchester reported.

Just two days later, she suddenly stopped breathing and suffered cardiac arrest despite exhibiting no warning signs. more here

21 Comments on Report: 15-Month-Old Girl Dies from Organ Failure and Cardiac Arrest Two Days After Receiving Three Vaccines During Routine Visit

  1. VAERS site, that has some surprisingly high numbers for the very young, Data pretty old ending in 2007-2013, probably representative.


  2. Who do we blame this time around? I’m going to blame the parents first, then the money grabbers. This will remind them how stupid they are. Money grabbers don’t care, they’re going to collect. Maybe get a bonus for killing someone. Proud to be a pure blood.

  3. I had a doctor appointment a week ago. I was asked if I was interested in the pneumonia shot. I replied:

    “Take the work ‘firetruck,’ remove a few letters from the middle, and add the word ‘no’ to the end.”

    The nurse got a chuckle out of that.

  4. The ‘take-away’ from all this shit is;

    FUCK the government, they are ideally motivated and have NO interest in ‘US’…the little people that truly love America.

  5. “Despite exhaustive lifesaving efforts…”

    …you’d better fucking believe it. Pediatric codes are INTENSE. Everyone from parent to dispatcher to cops to medics to nurses and doctors gets amped to 15 when it’s awhile, and when it’s an Itty bitty baby? The scale doesn’t go high enough.

    You know WHY?

    Because 15 month olds ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO DIE.

    There’s times that death cannot be turned aside even in one so young. Congenital heart problems, SIDS, assorted other developmental problems and just plain stupid transport decisions sometimes create circumstances from which there is no road back to life, but these things are happenstance and accident and do not have their origins in the very medical system that purports to PREVENT death.

    …one approaches the medical system with a newborn baby with fear and trembling. As a new parent suddenly given the awesome task of protecting and nurturing this tiny soul from Heaven, you’re rather overwhelmed by the vast responsibility and truly amazing number of things that can go wrong. You want to do what’s best for your baby, and not being a doctor yourself, turn to your newfound pediatrician to come alongside of you with centuries of medical wisdom and the best of medicines proven through arduous testing and trials that the doctor assures you are not only safe and effective, but indeed you imperil your infant’s very existence if you do NOT trust them.

    Why not, you reason. After all, YOU got vaccinated as a child, and YOU did fine.

    The more fool you.

    …you see, the vaxxxines of today are not what we had back in the day. They’ve been reformulated, remixed, redesigned thar they may maintain maximum patented profitability for immense drug conglomerates, and rescheduled to the point that their hardly seems room in a developing body for blood from all the vaxxxine coursing through those tiny veins.

    Let’s look at a vaccine schedule, past and present.

    …from 5 doses in the ’60s to 72 doses today. B3ar in mind that this chart is PRE-Covid as well, so now, its even WORSE.

    Tell me, are people stronger or weaker today than 50 years ago? Has the base model human physiology changed? Are there more diseases in the modern world, or less?

    Why, then, do we need to subject developing bodies to such abuse?

    Apart from profit, that is.

    Profit with TOTAL liability immunity.

    …but let’s get back to that tiny little body that Moms found, probably on a random crib pass just to look at her sweet sleeping baby girl breathe, only to realize she WASN’T.

    Not something most folks are equipped for.

    She screams for help, someone gets a phone, 911 is contacted. The dispatcher, after cutting through frantic babble and hopefully in the right county since cell service screws THAT up goes into “oh shit” mode and summons a supervisor to tone out the appropriate FD while trying to get Moms chill enough to pump that tiny chest and blow in that little nose and try to assess if any of this is working through a tinny speaker with a passel of frantic folk on the other end of it. The FD and LEO in the relevant district go into “oh shit” mode with an infant nonbreather, with assets from fire trucks to life squads to police crusers and maybe a medical helicopter summoned, because a 15 month old is not supposed to die. Can’t promise you all the vehicle wheels stay on the ground at all times at any point in this adventure.

    Everyone who gets there has a ton of adrenaline up, but has to master it to be in any way useful. Everything being so tiny just makes to worse. Intibation is by stylet with an uncuffed tube because it’s so small and you’re not going to be able to visualize with a laryngoscope. 2 man CPR is out, too small, you may just be using your thumbs. Pretty small lungs too, pre-BVM you have to be careful about blowing your adult sized lung tidal volume with tons of adrenaline behind it into that ittle chest. Babies are obligatory nose breathers due to anatomical differences in human development stages but it’s a small target, so you have to do mouth and nose until you get a tube passed. Maybe the kid pukes, spit it out, suction it from the child, and keep going. That little body doesn’t handle much like the dummy you had in CPR class, and there may be other bodily fluids you need to ignore. You may spend some field time with fancy scmanchy modern conveniences like oxygen driven CPR rigs and doing stuff with drugs and Lifepacks for defib and analysis and cardioactive drugs, but load and go is the order of the day as you want to get to high level MD STAT.

    Once there, docs squirt into the room from every direction, all sorts of specialists converge and they aren’t particularly interested in your life story, just a crisp summary of medical findings and actions taken thus far. No one gives up without a fight and every possible avenue is explored, every test taken and every specialist consulted because 15 month olds aren’t supposed to die.

    The post will be brutal too, looking for everything from parental abuse to medical malpractice on every level, you can believe that.

    Because 15 month olds aren’t supposed to die.

    Exhaustive lifesaving efforts…doesn’t BEGIN to describe it. Dozens of adults will be worn out physically and emotionally after this, all second guessing if they could have done anything differently for days, weeks, months, maybe even years to come after this.

    It’s just a damn shame none of this exhaustive analysis or empathetic compassion will ever be found in the halls of a vaxxxine developer.

    Damn them all to hell.

  6. @ Anonymous Sunday, 12 November 2023, 21:40 at 9:40 pm,
    A lot are two words.. just saying.
    @ Jack Duggin Sunday, 12 November 2023, 22:04 at 10:04 pm,
    I am with you 100% Kucf ’em!

  7. SNS @ 10:40,
    Thanks for including the jpg of the vaccines recommended.

    This should be widely distributed – especially to young adults who do not yet have children.

    This is SHOCKING1

  8. We have no way of knowing what is being added to vaccination vials that USED to be safe. They sure as hell aren’t going to tell us what they are adulterating medications with these days.

  9. Why say 3? I count 5. The body responds to each organism, and DPT is 3. And she was previously hospitalized the last time she got vaccines. How stupid and unconcerned a mother do you have to be to bring her back for more?

  10. Count me in as one who has always believed in vaccinations, but I believed in MMR, Polio, Tetanus and whooping cough(I can’t remember what they call it)
    The list now is outrageous, my daughter only allowed them to give those to her kids along with one or two others that I can’t remember. They also mix a lot of crap together in one shot. I remember when my grandson was going to get his first shots, they gave my daughter the list and she told them that she was not going to allow them to give him 6 vaccines.
    Fast forward to Covid vaccine and her lack of trust in any vaccines, her daughter was at the age for her 4-6 year old shots. She didn’t get them. She had been taking them to a general practice doctor after their pediatrician retired. She had to start taking her son to a pediatrician for his asthma, so she was just going to take her daughter as well. They told her they couldn’t see her if she doesn’t get her vaccinations up to date. She had to take her to the ER one night when she got her neck hurt playing in the pool with her brother and she just wanted to be safe rather than sorry and have an x-ray done because she kept complaining it hurt. They saw her that one time but then told her if she didn’t at least get the MMR they wouldn’t see her in the hospital either.
    She called every hospital within 2 hours and questioned them, every single one said they will not see kids without at least 2 MMR, polio, tetanus, and like 3 others that she did have. The second MMR and chicken pox is the only two that are required if you go to public school, which they don’t, but the hospital said they required everything that the state requires with the exception of chicken pox. She then called several pediatricians within 2 hours and was told the same except they include chicken pox.
    She worried about and worried about it and finally gave in and gave her the MMR out of fear of her needing emergency care and them refusing. She’s adamant though she won’t get the chicken pox because she doesn’t trust it, what’s strange is her son hasn’t had chicken pox either, but they haven’t said anything about him.
    So I’ve been on a letter writing campaign since trying to get our state to make it a law that medical facilities can’t refuse to treat someone who hasn’t taken vaccines. Which our state allows exemptions to vaccines to go to school and has made it where no school can require covid vaccine and no medical facility can refuse to treat someone who hasn’t received covid vaccine.
    A parent should have the right to refuse some vaccines or all vaccines. Since covid they caused parents to fear vaccines with good reason to fear them.
    I wonder though if it wasn’t the chicken pox or the combination together that killed this baby? I’ve heard of other babies who have gotten really ill after the chicken pox vaccine. One of my daughter’s friend’s baby spent 2 weeks in the hospital after getting it, hence the reason she won’t give it to her kids.

  11. Old Racist White Woman
    MONDAY, 13 NOVEMBER 2023, 1:41 AT 1:41 AM
    “Count me in as one who has always believed in vaccinations, but I believed in MMR, Polio, Tetanus and whooping cough(I can’t remember what they call it)”

    …Whooping cough is pertussis (the “P” in the DTP or Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis vaccine) that has been “updated” to a Tdap as a booster for the first 2.

    All of these would be out of patent if they weren’t reformulated to be able to lock them down again, and therein lies the danger. These are not the vaccines we elders had, they are sufficiently different to remain highly profitable to the drug cartels.

    Whether or not they actually work and don’t kill children is kind of a side issue with them. They have total immunity since 1984, so whatever from a drug mogul standpoint as far as dead infants are concerned…


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