Report: 2 ABC Executives Regret Firing Roseanne, Fear Conners Could Flop – IOTW Report

Report: 2 ABC Executives Regret Firing Roseanne, Fear Conners Could Flop

DC: Two top ABC executives regret firing actress Roseanne Barr from eponymous hit show “Roseanne,” The Daily Mail reported Thursday.

Barr was abruptly let go from ABC following an allegedly Ambien-fueled Twitter tirade in which she tried to draw a parallel between Valerie Jarrett, a former aide to President Barack Obama, and “Planet of the Apes.” She also claimed billionaire “George Soros is a nazi who turned in his fellow Jews 2 be murdered in German concentration camps & stole their wealth.”

Following her dismissal from ABC in May, the network announced they would continue the show with a spinoff that would exclude Barr called “The Conners.”

In a recent interview with The Daily Mail, however, two ABC executives reportedly admit Barr’s firing was a “knee-jerk” reaction from the network’s president and a temporary suspension could have been a more appropriate action.

“We didn’t think it through properly. What Roseanne did was wrong but we shouldn’t have rushed to fire her. It was almost a knee-jerk reaction by Ben [Sherwood] and Channing [Dungey] who should have launched an investigation,” an ABC insider told The Daily Mail.

The ABC insider openly admits regretting not polling the general public before making a decision. The choice to cut Roseanne from the show occurred hours after her comments sparked backlash.

“This would have given them more time to listen to the public, advertisers and cast members to determine the best decision,” he continued. “They could’ve suspended her from the first few episodes without pay and had her return later on in the season. I mean the season finale saw Roseanne going to the hospital for knee surgery.”  READ MORE

20 Comments on Report: 2 ABC Executives Regret Firing Roseanne, Fear Conners Could Flop

  1. The people who enjoyed the show likely agree with those tweets.

    No worries though. After The Conners flops FOX can just hire everyone back, including Roseanne and reboot the show just like Last Man Standing.

  2. I still don’t get this. The thing is that Valarie Jarrett does look like she’s from the Planet of the Apes and George Soros did collaborate with the Nazis!

  3. LOL – OMG sanity has been restored less than a week before the premier of a show that had no business being continued without the original namesake star. But this is typical of liberals, they are emotional insane creatures that will financially shoot themselves in the foot to make a nasty mean spirited point. Hope it was worth it. Can’t wait to see Trump’s tweet when it bombs out miserably.

  4. Most network lineups don’t have much to do with ratings. It’s agenda entertainment 24/7.

    NCIS-SVU-LGBTQ is tracking down white supremacists. Always the omnipresent white supremacists! After a naval base is destroyed by climate change, Madame Secretary lobbies the President to make a bold election year course correction on the subject. Black-ish Lives Matter.

    Who’s up for more Murphy Brown?

    Blah, blah, blah. Unadulterated garbage in every time slot on every network. If it’s not on FX or AMC, it’s a waste of time.

  5. They can fix it by hiring her back. Have they already killed her off? If not rewrite it all and start over. I don’t have a TV so I don’t care one way or another, but Roseanne made the show and I do like her.

  6. FTA: “…..should have launched an investigation,” an ABC insider told The Daily Mail”.

    What type of investigation? Criminal? Civil? RICO? Extortion?
    Oh I get it. It’s a thought crime.

  7. I couldn’t stand her voice nor the fact that she is a slob, but the original series did have its moments.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  8. O.k. – here’s my pitch: Zombie Roseanne. Kill her character off, and then bring her back as a zombie. Hilarity ensues as the Connor family engages in wacky interactions and Roseanne tries to eat the neighbors.

    Hey, I’ve seen worse on ABC.

  9. Rosanne is a trainwreck whose leftist values caught up with her, but she’s smart enough to know leftist plantation living sucks. Her character made that show. “The Conners” will flop around like a fish out of water until it’s fried in the light of reality – reactionary leftist virtue signaling = epic ratings failure. LOLOLOL!

  10. “I thought the bitch was white.”

    Quote of the year.

    Truly sums up the sorry state we’re in. Yeah, Roseanne, it’s okay you meant to smash a white person instead of the inoculated. I feel wicked sorry for you now.

    Not to say nothing about the heathens that came for her with the torches and pitchforks.

  11. She’s weird, but funny in her own way.
    But what bothers me about all this is that when she apologized, she apologized time and time again, tried to call VJ and she wouldn’t take her call. And still, Valerie did not have the grace to accept the apology or call her back. And the progtards just kept opening more wounds on Roseanne every time she apologized.

    I didn’t even read where the cast and crew said anything to defend her!

    You don’t have to like her, you don’t even have to forgive her. But have the grace to accept her apology, and say thank you.

    For a person who a lot of people think is so classless, she showed the most class and decency out of all the chumps involved. And because of this, I hope the fucking show fails so hard that their DVDs will be donated to orchards to be tied to trees as bird deterrents.

  12. 1st time I saw her was on The Tonight Show with Carson. Rambled as a trailer park ignored ‘Mom’ with 3 kids and a complete ‘Dick’ for a husband. Annoying voice from the start, however, such a classic delivery with meaningful content. That she improved on and became “Rosanne”. Ungrateful non-talented slugs like Sara Gilbert is now a ‘Star’? I have so much respected John Goodman yet have no intention of watching ‘The Connors’. Laurie Metcalf to me will always and only be ‘Aunt Jackie’. An another overrated ungrateful ‘line my pockets’ POS.


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