Report: 219k Possible Fake Ballots in Pinellas County, Florida – IOTW Report

Report: 219k Possible Fake Ballots in Pinellas County, Florida

There are many signed affidavits from people who received ballots but did not order them. This is a felony in Florida. Even Tamp Bay Times reporters were caught on tape the day of the election saying they did not order ballots, but received them anyway.

9 Comments on Report: 219k Possible Fake Ballots in Pinellas County, Florida

  1. Election fraud needs to become a capital offense. It’s probably the only thing that will deter these bastards. Voted more than once in the same election? Voted when you were ineligible to vote? Off with your head, then…

  2. The whole democRAT party is a felony!
    What does the democRAT party stand for?
    Political “Correctness”
    Sexual harassment
    Perversity in general
    Violent protests
    Opposition harassment
    Anti-Christian Anarchy
    Shooting Congressmen
    Open borders
    Blaming White supremacy and racism at every turn
    Murdering the innocent unborn
    Mismanagement of cities turning them into hell-holes
    Black victimhood
    High taxes
    High frivolous spending
    Looting the Treasury
    Weaken America any way possible
    And finally a totally dishonest, corrupt, complicit, bought & paid for, knee-pad media running cover for them.
    Bashing Trump 24/7 and committing election interference in the process!

  3. @ Harry FRIDAY, 23 AUGUST 2024, 9:30 AT 9:30 AM

    All Democrats are a subset of the the progressive/Marxist/Satanist movement. Once the masks came off ~2020, it’s unfortunate but it is no longer possible to give relatives and those you consider friends who support Democrats the benefit of the doubt any longer. They know and accept what they support and who they follow.

  4. As a resident of WY having left MI several years ago, wife, son and I received absentee ballots from MI. Contacting my township, I verified that I was NO LONGER LISTED ON THEIR VOTER POLLS and was informed that these ballots were generated from the Democrat SOS of MI.

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