Report: 3rd Russian Health Worker Falls from Window After Criticizing Coronavirus Response – IOTW Report

Report: 3rd Russian Health Worker Falls from Window After Criticizing Coronavirus Response

Breitbart: A paramedic who complained about being forced to work after contracting the Chinese coronavirus is currently in critical condition after mysteriously falling from a hospital window in western Russia this weekend.

The Moscow Times reports that 37-year-old Alexander Shulepov fell from the second floor of a hospital in the rural Voronezh and suffered a skull fracture, which has left him in critical condition. Voronezh is located 500 kilometers south of Moscow; he was being treated for coronavirus symptoms.

Police claim to be investigating his fall. read more

17 Comments on Report: 3rd Russian Health Worker Falls from Window After Criticizing Coronavirus Response

  1. OT & yet unrelated activity:

    High Ups in msNBC and Bank of America frantically shuffling throw away staff for ground floor office spaces.

    “Hello Staphannie, you’re new’ish here. You’re moving up, up, up to a 30th story view. We need your ground space for Jodies mom. You know, mobility issues and easier ATM access. Enjoy the View.”

  2. Just think, if things go along as they are in Washington now, we can expect the same things happening the same here as a common everyday occurrence in a year or two. Who would’ve guessed??


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