REPORT: AG Sessions Demanded Faster FBI Response To Congressional Document Request – IOTW Report

REPORT: AG Sessions Demanded Faster FBI Response To Congressional Document Request

CTH: Byron York is reporting on a possible motive for FBI Director Wray assigning additional FBI staff resources to fulfill Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte’s subpoena request.  According to an email received from inside the DOJ:

Byron York – Late Tuesday, a source who asked to be identified as a “DOJ insider” emailed an update from inside the Justice Department, making clear Sessions has grown impatient with FBI Director Christopher Wray:

“Senior staff on both sides of the street have met on this and the FBI is getting called on the carpet. The Attorney General is angry with how slow the process has moved when it comes to requests from Congress to the FBI. He’s told Wray that the pace is unacceptable and that if the FBI needs to double the number of people working on this, then that’s what they need to do, but he is done seeing the Department criticized for the FBI’s slow walking of requests from Congress like the last administration when these requests should be a top priority.” (link)

Additionally, the DOJ sent the following letter to Chairman Goodlatte in response to his subpoena request:  more

11 Comments on REPORT: AG Sessions Demanded Faster FBI Response To Congressional Document Request

  1. Move the office of the director of the Federal Bureau of Matters to a federal penitentiary. Next week move the offices of all those who report directly to him. Repeat the following week with the next layer of bureaucrats, etc. Keep them all there until the documents are produced, then let them out. Or not.


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