REPORT: Amazon Drivers Work More Hours Than Allowed by Law to Meet ‘Physically Impossible’ Delivery Quotas – IOTW Report

REPORT: Amazon Drivers Work More Hours Than Allowed by Law to Meet ‘Physically Impossible’ Delivery Quotas

Breitbart: According to an investigation by the Sunday Mirror, Amazon drivers are not treated any better than their warehouse counterparts.

The two hundred packages per day that Amazon drivers are expected to deliver are “physically impossible” according to one driver quoted in the report. Because of that, drivers for the multi-billion dollar online empire routinely exceed the legal maximum hours they should be allowed to work. They wolf down meals and urinate in bottles, some of them for as little as $200 a week — less than the United Kingdom minimum wage allows. This information follows previous reports on the terrible work conditions for Amazon’s warehouse workers.

The UK’s Driving and Vehicle Standards Agency has said that they will investigate conditions that one lawyer described as “almost Dickensian,” especially compared to the “magical adventure” advertised in Amazon’s television ads. Amazon, of course, does not employ these drivers directly. Instead, they command an army of third-party agencies, and schedule their temporally implausible routes through an app.

Drivers pay the costs of their vehicles, are minimally reimbursed for their fuel, and pay about $267 every week to insure their delivery trucks. Agency workers have said that — in contrast to Amazon’s claims of a sophisticated route calculation system — traffic and other delays are not taken into account. To meet their assignments for fear of future unemployment, they must exceed speed limits and sacrifice time to eat or use the bathroom. If they cannot meet expectations, the drivers face fines, pay cuts, and denial of future work.  more here

18 Comments on REPORT: Amazon Drivers Work More Hours Than Allowed by Law to Meet ‘Physically Impossible’ Delivery Quotas

  1. I knew a guy who worked for U.P.S., and he got OVERTIME, during Christmas season, made a killing, but also worked until about 10:30 every night. VERY long hours for him.

    Amazon sounds like a total rip off.

  2. I never find Amazon to be cheap.
    I don’t get the whole phenomenon, except Amazon has an outstanding hype machine and gets total support from a fawning liberal media because Bezos is a Democrat (who owns the Bezos/Washington Post).
    Can you imagine the scrutiny and vitriol Amazon would receive if Bezos were a (gasp) Republican? It would be relentless.

  3. Jeff Bezos is following the example set before him by Wal-Mart and the Walton family. When greed kicks in, everything goes out the window, including how to treat other human beings.
    What these captains of industry don’t get is that God lumps them in with adulators and other transgressors :

    Malachi 3:5
    “Then I will draw near to you for judgment. I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers, against the adulterers, against those who swear falsely, against those who oppress the hired worker in his wages, the widow and the fatherless, against those who thrust aside the sojourner, and do not fear me, says the Lord of hosts.

  4. Not surprising – Chipotle also know for their very liberal views (I never eat there) seems to always be fighting cases of not paying wages fairly, making workers come in early / stay later without pay. Dems for the working people – not.

  5. @Mithrandir ~ UPS drivers are Teamsters Union & governed by Federal OT laws for drivers. they do make a well-deserved killing during the Christmas season.

    Amazon doesn’t have that problem in the US. did you know that 60% of all Amazon package deliveries to the local post offices are made by UPS? the packages are then delivered by USPS by your local mail carriers … that way Amazon gets a bulk discount by the US gubmint … ain’t being the richest man in the world great? you get government subsidies & the mail carriers get taxpayer-paid OT! a win-win! :-O

  6. I may work a lot of hrs. at times delivering flowers but at least I have enough sense and time for pee breaks etc. I know where all the restrooms are located and use them, McDonalds are nearly everywhere so I stop there a lot to go and besides as I get older I suffer from OGS (old guy syndrome) and have to pee a lot. I’m not even above stopping along the side of roads in the middle of nowhere and peeing if I have to. And besides piss bombs, peeing in a gallon jug and capping it and throwing it out along an empty highway somewhere is illegal and also messy. I would never work for someone who wouldn’t allow me to take breaks when I need to and don’t like the fact that my rival company has GPS monitors in all their trucks to keep an eye on the drivers every move, it’s no wonder they have such a high turnover in drivers.

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