Report: Andrew Gillum Used Official Government Account To Fund Campaigning – IOTW Report

Report: Andrew Gillum Used Official Government Account To Fund Campaigning

DC: Florida Democrat Andrew Gillum used his official expense account from the Tallahassee mayor’s office to pay for a trip to meet with donors for his gubernatorial campaign, according to a report released by Politico.

Gillum visited with high-profile Democratic politicians, strategists and donors during a trip in February 2016, a year before he filed to run for governor. In 2017, the Tallahassee Democrat reported on the event and its source of funding, yet, explained the outing as a trip to discuss official business with an affordable-housing developer. A spokesman for Gillum noted that while he was on the trip he found time to “meet with local political leaders.”

However, newly uncovered documents provided by the attorney for Gillum’s former lobbyist and close friend Adam Corey, show that the purpose of the taxpayer-funded trip was specifically for Gillum to meet with potential donors to his forthcoming gubernatorial campaign. The Tallahassee mayor’s office account can only be used to fund official business related to the office.  more here

11 Comments on Report: Andrew Gillum Used Official Government Account To Fund Campaigning

  1. Lol you guys are really trying to grasp here:’D he did everything legally, no dispute here. I bet trumos going to rry and use lines from this fake article in fl during his rally smh vote blue for a better future

  2. If Gilliam is elected, perish the thought, he will not be able to escape the clutches of the FBI. They have him in their sights an will continue to dig up more miscreant behavior until they are ready to charge him, at least that’s the way the fantasy goes.


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