Report: Biden Admin Plots ‘Sweeping Overhaul’ of COVID Strategy That Includes ‘No Scenario’ to ‘Go Back to Normal’ – IOTW Report

Report: Biden Admin Plots ‘Sweeping Overhaul’ of COVID Strategy That Includes ‘No Scenario’ to ‘Go Back to Normal’

The question is, are you going to stand up, or are you going to remain on your knees?
[insert Kamala joke here]

National File: President Joe Biden reportedly plans to inform the American public of a major overhaul to his administration’s COVID-19 strategy during his State of the Union address Tuesday.

ABC News reported Thursday, “In a private online meeting, Jeff Zients, the White House coordinator on the federal COVID response, led the group in discussing potential trajectories in the pandemic — from the best case scenario that the virus evolves into a mild flu-like illness, to the worst case that an aggressive new variant could evade effectiveness of the vaccine.”

“The overall consensus was that COVID has fundamentally altered U.S. public health,” the report said of the Wednesday meeting.

The outlet reported that one person involved in the effort said, “There’s no scenario where we say, ‘Oh my gosh, let’s go back to normal.’”

Among those in attendance were “Zients; David Kessler, Biden’s chief scientific adviser; Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, an oncologist and medical ethicist with the University of Pennsylvania; Dr. Michael Osterholm, director of the Centers for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota; Dr. Luciana Borio, a former senior official at the National Security Council and former acting chief scientist at the Food and Drug Administration now with the Council on Foreign Relations; and David Michaels, an epidemiologist and former head of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration now with George Washington University’s School of Public Health,” according to ABC News. more

30 Comments on Report: Biden Admin Plots ‘Sweeping Overhaul’ of COVID Strategy That Includes ‘No Scenario’ to ‘Go Back to Normal’

  1. “The overall consensus was that COVID has fundamentally altered U.S. public health,”

    …well, they completely destroyed confidence in the practice of medicine AND proved that the LAST thing “Public Health” entities are interested in is actual public health, so yes, it indeed “has fundamentally altered U.S. public health,”

    As intended.

  2. “…aggressive new variant could evade effectiveness of the vaccine.”

    …the “Vaxxines” were never ACTUAL vaccines and were never effective against ANY variant, so it’s pretty much a given that a “new variant could evade effectiveness of the vaccine.”, thus also guaranteeing that Leviathan will further trample what’s left of the Constitution using that as an excuse before too much time has passed…

  3. “…Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel…”h

    That’s all you need to know right there that there is nothing but evil intent in this policy. But regardless of Dr. Death’s involvement, if Bitme makes that declaration in his State of Confusion Address, I will immediately email my senators and congressman an tell them not only HELL NO, but FUCK NO should they support that policy!

  4. Love that they call Ezekiel Emmanuel a medical ethicist, since he thinks everyone over 75 should go ahead and die.
    Hmmm, more than half of American ‘covid deaths’ were people over 75. Should we exclude those numbers?

  5. Anonymous February 26, 2022 at 9:20 pm –
    “…Mandate me harder, Daddy…”

    Seriously, who are you? Right now, you’re nothing more than a caricature of a liberal. Do you really want to be taken seriously or are you content with just being the butt of a joke?

  6. As if i didn’t have enough reasons to totally despise Biden, now this. I will not comply either and fuck Biden, Fauci, Ezekiel Emmanuel and all the rest of these tyrannical bastards including my asshole Governor Jay Inslee who will wholeheartedly endorse every evil mandate that joey dictates.

  7. Fuck off, Joey. Most places in the flyover country, that area of the country all you fucking communists despise, has been back to normal for over a year.

  8. It was always about ushering in socialism/ communism/ the great reset and not about health.
    It was planned way ahead and when China flu “happened” to get leaked conveniently during Trump’s presidency it was the way to do that ushering.
    They can pound sand.

  9. Democraps (commies) and the elites don’t like normal because it allows the American people to have too much freedom to exercise their God given rights rather than be subject to their govt. given rights which don’t allow any personal freedom except what they dictate. I hate the democraps and the elites, they are nothing but a bunch of perpetually pissed off, unhappy spoiled brats who never grew up suffering from Peter Pan syndrome (and envy and jealousy of all that is good because of their hatred of God) who want to make everyone else as miserable as they are in perpetuity.

  10. If you ever entertained positive thoughts about the competency of these Swamp “medical” bureaucrats, read Dr. Scott Atlas’ “A Plague upon our House: my fight at the Trump White House to stop COVID from destroying America”.

  11. Well, if we can believe the dimorats, there are at least 81 million people in this country that can never get back to normal because they were never normal in the first place.

  12. Bottom line is that PuddingHead Biden is a terrorist, and not a very good one at that since he’s been exposed multiple times for who and what he really is—-A terrorist who’s also a race supremacist.


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