Report: Biden Campaign Vetting Keisha Lance Bottoms, Mayor Who Admonished Rioters, For VP – IOTW Report

Report: Biden Campaign Vetting Keisha Lance Bottoms, Mayor Who Admonished Rioters, For VP

Daily Wire: Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms, an early Biden supporter who recently gained widespread attention for admonishing rioters in her city, is now reportedly undergoing the Biden campaign’s vice presidential candidate vetting process. 

According to Politico, “two sources with knowledge of the discussions” confirmed that Bottoms is now in the running for 2020 ticket. The move coincides with the campaign’s purported “evolution” on the need to select a black running mate, “a source familiar with the internal discussions” told the news agency. 

Bottoms endorsed Biden for president nearly a year ago, the day after Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) attacked the former vice president on the debate stage for his opposition to forced bussing in the 1970s and his past experience working alongside segregationists in the Senate, according to ABC News

“For me, it was most important that we have a president who doesn’t have to walk in the door and figure out where the light switch is, that we have somebody who can lead on Day One,” said Bottoms. <—HAHAHAHA!!!!

SNIP: I’m waiting for the ‘She’s not 100% black!’ complaint from the Libs.
Also, has anyone asked Tank Abrams how she feels about it?

See Also:

Biden campaign says candidate does not support defunding police.

29 Comments on Report: Biden Campaign Vetting Keisha Lance Bottoms, Mayor Who Admonished Rioters, For VP

  1. So she may end up in the position of President soon (have to stress “may”).

    Wonder what kind of a President she would be? What would the government and country be like under her?

  2. I had a black co-driver back in the 90’s when I was driving truck who kept saying there was going to be a race war. He said the blacks in the south were angry and were never going to get over whatever grievance they had. He warned me as a white man to avoid stopping in small black towns. Didn’t care much for Atlanta either.

  3. She won’t make round two, nowhere near radical enough and a virtual unknown. She hasn’t been out there running her mouth using trendy buzz words like systematic racism etc.

  4. Uh-oh. I wonder if Wretched wHitler had the sads over this bit of news.
    Not looking forward to what fresh hell our vindictive governor will serve us if she is passed over.

  5. I had to look, no idea who she was. She is no darker than a Mexican. Typical liberal using arbitrary skin color definitions. I have seen sun-tanned Asians as “dark” as bottoms. How can your entire career and ideology be based upon that ONE vague parameter?

  6. Highly doubtful he picks a black woman or any woman.

    1) He can’t control himself (mouth, hands, nose) and he will never be able to sit in a room with her, alone. Imagine the headlines if something happens? White man assault black woman, etc.

    The Dems cannot afford this.

    2) He’s a power tripper. He demeans women and young girls.
    No woman is going to be his right hand chick. Especially a black one who will take all the power (attention) from him. He’s not going to let that happen.

    His campaign is going through the rolodex of black people just to pander.
    My guess? It’ll be someone ‘quiet’.
    He can’t pick someone loud, animated and obnoxious because that person will drown him out. He would want to put the loud, animated and obnoxious people in the admin. lol.

    His pick? (my guess)

    Adam Schiff.

    Because they need to cover their asses the most. 😁

  7. He’s going to parade naked in front of them, stare at each one in the eye, and the last one to blink or turn their head is going to be chosen.
    Strangely, that’s how he chose his pet turtle at the pet shop when he was 8.

  8. Val Demings. She has lots of things going for her. Demings rhymes with Lemmings. It starts with a D, just like Dementia. She’s a colored woman. A black colored woman. She tried to get Trump convicted after he was impeached. She’s from Florida. Trump moved to Florida, because AOC didn’t like him living in NYC. She likes AOC and AOC likes her. Her first name is easy to remember. She is also a good public speaker. She doesn’t stutter. Dr. Jill likes her. So does Humper. She will distract the voters from Joey’s odd behavior. She watched all of the State Funerals for George Floyd. I could go on, but I don’t want you to think she’s more qualified than Dementia Joe to lead the country through these tumultuous times.

  9. Mayor Lance-Bottom Crony-Socialist said no to hosting the GOP Convention. This VP chatter is just insincere flattery for that. Come on Republicans, pounce! Ask her if she wants to defund the police. She’ll be done before she gets started.


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