Report: ‘Black Bloc Infiltrators’ Used Arrest of Brazilian Tribal Chief To ‘Trigger’ Political Unrest, Sources Say – IOTW Report

Report: ‘Black Bloc Infiltrators’ Used Arrest of Brazilian Tribal Chief To ‘Trigger’ Political Unrest, Sources Say

National File- Multiple sources on the ground in Brasilia, Brazil stated that the riot which broke out Monday night after the arrest of Brazilian Xavante tribal chief, Tserere, aka Cacique Cerere, was instigated by Leftist “black bloc infiltrators.”  One witness compared it to the events of the January 6 Capitol protests.

Brazilian chef and political activist, Vinicius “Vinny” Rossignolo, 36, spoke with National File on Wednesday about Chief Tserere’s arrest and the riot which followed.

“This video shows a lot of people covering their faces. This is not common in our manifestations. At the end of the video, you can see them hitting the cameraman. He said, “Hey, I’m a conservative. What’s the problem?” They don’t want to be discovered. The people that initiated the fire, they are not our people. They were there to make this ruckus,” Vinny said. more

3 Comments on Report: ‘Black Bloc Infiltrators’ Used Arrest of Brazilian Tribal Chief To ‘Trigger’ Political Unrest, Sources Say

  1. Here’s a fun joke on a Construction Site:

    Q: What do you cal a Retarded Italian?

    A: Portuguese

    Q: What do you call a Retarded Portuguese?

    A: Brazilian

    Just get ready to run like hell. (I do)

  2. Reichstag fire.
    Jan 6 “riot.”
    Whitmer “kidnapping.”
    Pipe bomb.
    Brazilian turmoil.

    All the work of agents provocateur – as the Frogs say.

    Every gov’t that is acutely aware of its illegitimacy and fears its own citizens whom they’re oppressing employs both “gun” control and the Secret Police to instigate and exacerbate to justify martial law – or, minimally, repressive measures.
    We’ve seen it in Imperial Russia, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Nazi Germany, Soviet Union, Iran, Iraq, the United States of America, Yugoslavia, Albania, Serbia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania, … &c., &c., &c.

    An absolutely sure and unequivocal testimony to the blatant illegitimacy of the gov’t which employs such devices.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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