Report: Boeing whistleblower has died from a “self-inflicted wound.” – IOTW Report

Report: Boeing whistleblower has died from a “self-inflicted wound.”

BBC: A former Boeing employee known for raising concerns about the firm’s production standards has been found dead in the US.

John Barnett had worked for Boeing for 32 years, until his retirement in 2017.

In the days before his death, he had been giving evidence in a whistleblower lawsuit against the company.

Boeing said it was saddened to hear of Mr Barnett’s passing. The Charleston County coroner confirmed his death to the BBC on Monday.

It said the 62-year-old had died from a “self-inflicted” wound on 9 March and police were investigating. more here

17 Comments on Report: Boeing whistleblower has died from a “self-inflicted wound.”

  1. So I made this comment below on another thread,

    “Just sayen. There are outside forces trying to destroy Boeing. Their management may be whacked as hell. But they still need to comply to internal quality specs and processes established over the years and FAA over site. To me, this smells.”

    One of the claims this guy was making is that assemblers were grabbing scrap parts out if a bin and using them for assembly on aircraft. That’s almost impossible. Scrap parts go into a locked bonded area. The FAA rep will have a key and the quality manager will have a key. I don’t believe that claim. Most scrapped parts are ordered destroyed, immediately. Cut in half. Like I say, something smells.

  2. None of the action over the last three years really can be considered organic. Certainly there is some happenstance in there but there is no historical precedent for the quality and quantity of ‘accidents’ and misadventures over recent time.

    The revolution is upon us and we are sitting on our hands.

  3. Boeing is split up into two sections. (Maybe More) Boeing Commercial and Boeing Military. We do a lot of work for the Military side. It’s managed by the Federal Government but monitored and built to all Boeing specs. We have at least 4 of such jobs in process and any given time. Standard procedure for Boeing critical flight parts is, you machine a FAT (First article test) piece first and fully document it. Send it to a specified inspection point, usually Hill AFB, and wait 180 days for them to approve it as the check every aspect of that part, including strict adherence to their specs. Which you need to certify to, but they still verify. After you get approval you can proceed with the balance. The commercial divisions process is identical. Does that sound like a company that’s going to short cut on quality or bypass long standing procedures? Boeing’s commercial board of directors has made some really bad decisions lately. Probably had something to do with Nikki. That board of directors does not have the authority to over ride their quality department. I suspected sabotage from the beginning of these stories.
    I guess we should start buying some of those Chinese airliners.

  4. “The Charleston County coroner confirmed his death to the BBC on Monday.”

    Does that only strike me as odd? Why the BBC?

    And Al Jazeera sent an undercover reporter to a SC plant?
    Al Jazeera isn’t a news agency.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. The world government wants emissions reduced. But it’s not just emissions. They don’t want the proletariat travelling at all. Travel equates to freedom. The 15 minute cities will fulfill all the needs of the people that are left after the purge is complete.

    No need to travel, no need for a vehicle of any kind, cradle to grave support from the world government and they will decide who makes it to the cradle and when one becomes compost.

    In the new world that’s coming, there is no need for Boeing. It’s not just going to be Boeing.

  6. When I worked in micro electronics years ago. Memory boards we manufactured that failed quality testing, but worked were put in 55 gallon drums on a dock and sold to unknowns because they could be sold off market with our brand name printed on them for a good price. Sure you can trust band names and humans all you want, same with your government. Fly safe, rear seats are safer in a crash.


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