Report: Chris Wallace is throwing daily fits at CNN+ – IOTW Report

Report: Chris Wallace is throwing daily fits at CNN+

Trouble In Paradise? Rumors Abound That Chris Wallace May Already Be Bailing On CNN+

Blue State Conservative:

Well, that didn’t take long.

It was only four months ago that former Fox News anchor Chris Wallace announced that he was leaving the top-rated cable news network for what he thought were greener pastures: CNN’s new premium streaming service, CNN+. Wallace initially said all the right things about his departure, lamenting the “sadness” he felt due to leaving Fox, and then remembering the “great ride” that he’d had. But shortly after clearing out his desk, Wallace began to burn bridges like a serial arsonist.

Within weeks, reports of Wallace badmouthing Fox began to surface. Wallace supposedly asserted that the situation with his former employer had become “unsustainable,” that he felt “uncomfortable” there, and that he was concerned that employees at Fox had begun to “question the truth.” more

Here’s Emerald Robinson’s take on the situation.
She’s mean. I like her.

24 Comments on Report: Chris Wallace is throwing daily fits at CNN+

  1. Wallace is 74 years old. He should have retired gracefully from Fox. Instead he jumped out of the plane without a parachute! To add insult to injury, he didn’t know that CNN has no viewers! A pretty pathetic comment for someone who is suppossed to be an Investigative Reporter!!
    Bye Felecia….

  2. Thought his name was enough. He’d probably bad mouth any place he left because I’m sure none of them are up to his high standards. He’s an effeminate goon.

  3. Chrissy will be drinking the eggnog at this year’s Christmas party with the likes of Dan Rather, Keith Olbermann, Brian Williams, Rick Sanchez and Matt Lauer. When that’s gone they’ll move on to the Kool-Aid in the big punch bowl that Jeff Zucker pissed in. Ann Curry will be the featured entertainment cuz Helen Thomas hasn’t been available since 2013.

  4. The way all media liberals will go. They don’t have an audience any more. Any link that gets sent to CNN, I avoid. Chris should have retired 10 years ago, he’ll retire now, sad for him as to how it ends, happy for us.

    Here’s Emerald Robinson’s take on the situation.
    She’s mean. I like her.

    I like her too, she’s quite a witty writer.

  5. He could always shill for Dr. Ross dog food like his dad did back in the old days in the 50’s and 60’s. Dr. Ross dog food is doggone good, another earworm jingle that I could never get rid of. Do they even sell Dr. Ross dog food anymore?

  6. Chrissy will be most voted for pivot man during their Christmas circle jerk party get together, highly recommended by Dan “Tell the Truth!!!!” Rather who groomed him while daddy Mike approved.

  7. “question the truth.”
    Define “truth” asshole. What a puke. Doesn’t even have enough character to declare himself a totalitarian stooge and lickspittle for the National and Inter-National Socialists (NWO).

    Fuck Off, Eat Shit, and Die.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Confused here, they keep saying CNN is free. Isn’t it at least a cable channel, which is still a paid for thing as far as I remember. Having cut that cord years ago for only buying the channels I want my memory might be a bit hazzy but I’m pretty sure it ain’t free like broadcast channels. So what’s with this free stuff?

  9. If we had any kind of real capitalism in this country, there would be shareholder lawsuits against CNN and Twitter right now. CNN has terrible market share on their stations that people get for free with their baseline cable bundles. There is no business logic in the world to equating that people would pay for the same shitty IC issued claptrap on a pay for streaming service.

    And Twitter just turned down a massive stock boost to stay in the role as the Global Censor of Online Dialog. And because of that, their stock prices went in the shitter and will stay there.

    The fact that there are no lawsuits mean that we live in a de facto communist shit hole right fucking now.


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