Report: CIA Threatened Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro for Exposing Voter Fraud – IOTW Report

Report: CIA Threatened Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro for Exposing Voter Fraud

SGT report:

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) warned Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro that he needs to stop sounding the alarm about election fraud…or else.

CIA Director William Burns gave the warning to Bolsonaro during a private, closed-door meeting last July, an anonymous source has told Reuters. The Brazil’s Institutional Security Cabinet (GSI) is refusing to corroborate the report.

“The matters dealt with in intelligence meetings are confidential,” it said. “The GSI does not receive messages from any country in the world, nor does it transmit them.” read more

13 Comments on Report: CIA Threatened Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro for Exposing Voter Fraud

  1. Electronic voting systems hacked, say it isn’t so.
    2000 mules should be streaming, seems to be held up.
    “electronic voting system – which like all electronic voting systems, can be easily hacked – to one that leaves a paper trail, and is thus less vulnerable to fraud. “

  2. The CIA is tasked with maintaining America’s pretense.

    Again, voter fraud is Treason. The CIA is supporting and exporting Treason.
    Why this is not apparent for all who have eyes to see is a mystery.

    If all the “democratic” Republics maintain the illusion of free and fair elections then the pernicious process can continue without interference. The Media of every country which practices these despicable frauds hides them to the best of their abilities.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Brazilian voting systems must be using Dominion voting machines and our CIA doesn’t want anyone to find out how easy voter fraud is when using Dominion’s copyrighted fraud technology.

  4. A blonde Democrat was watching the news when a report came on about an accident at an international skydiving competition, where a Brazilian died. “Oh my God, a Brazilian? Is that more than a million?”

  5. I hoid that a blonde Democrat was watching the news when a report came on about someone at a naked skydiving with a Brazilion. The blonde said “that explains the strange whistling sound!”

  6. Eff it, let Putin let the bombs fly. D.C. target one, NYC target 2, the blue shitholes of CA and PN as well.

    It is very apparent that the only way we are going to fix this is for the people in charge to be eliminated, and the easiest way is for Putin to do it for us. Ammo is expensive after all.

  7. @ RickeyG MAY 7, 2022 AT 11:06 AM

    We had a couple real mouth breathers who worked at a former place of employment. They were pretty darn good looking, but dumber than a cider joint full of Democrats.

    Anyway, I went up and told them about Why Kenny had been so bummed out lately. Kenny had got a vasectomy and got a l behind on he owed on the bill. Really? Yea, and the finance company came by and knocked up his old lady. That’s not right they said, they shouldn’t be allowed to do that. Then they had to go and tell all the rest of the gals that worked there. About half of them told the two idiots I was bullshitting them. The other five were absolutely beside themselves they were so upset. The boss came looking for me and he was loaded for bear. He demanded that I correct the record at once. Then when I told them I was just joking they refused to believe me.

    It didn’t help matters that Kenny’s wife was pregnant and just starting to show. What he was pissed off about had nothing to do with that though.

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