Report: Code Pink Co-Founder Exposed as Communist China Shill – IOTW Report

Report: Code Pink Co-Founder Exposed as Communist China Shill

Former Obama Bundler Jodie Evans Married to Maoist Millionaire Working in Shanghai.

Gateway Pundit: The New York Times published an exposé on a Maoist propaganda shill for the Chinese Communist party, U.S. tech millionaire Neville Roy Singham, and his wife Jodie Evans, co-founder of Code Pink and a bundler for Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign, that reports Singham’s funding to non-profit groups ending up in Code Pink’s coffers and how the so-called antiwar group has in turn become a shill for communist China.

Evans, 68, has deep roots in the Democratic Party, having served as the campaign manager for the 1992 presidential campaign of former California Governor Jerry Brown. In the 2008 presidential campaign, Evans served as a host for Obama fundraisers in Hollywood with her then husband Max Palevsky (who passed away in 2010 at age 85) and as a campaign bundler. more here

7 Comments on Report: Code Pink Co-Founder Exposed as Communist China Shill

  1. “Maoist Millionaire”

    That exemplifies the blatant hypocrisy of the entire communist/socialist/nihilistic totalitarian/Globaloney Warming movement.

    Greedy, hate-filled Satanists are what they are – Biden, Clinton, Obola, Gates, Kerry, Zuckerberg, the hobo guy, Buffett, Sanders, Warren, Schumer, Pelosi, Waters, Bozos,

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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