Report: Cyber Expert Calls Voting Machines A National Security Risk – IOTW Report

Report: Cyber Expert Calls Voting Machines A National Security Risk

The latest:
Bannons War Room | Rumble: Dominion Machines Have Created A National Security Issue Across The Country.

4 Comments on Report: Cyber Expert Calls Voting Machines A National Security Risk

  1. No shit Sherlock! Get rid of all the damn electronic voting machines and go back to voting in person at your precinct and require everyone to provide positive ID before voting and paint everyone’s thumb with ink that can only be seen by ultra violet black light monitors. That way no one can cheat, supposedly.

  2. This whole thing reminds me of an early episode of Mission Impossible where the team went down to a Central American country to make sure that an election was not fraudulent. They found voting machines that had thousands of votes previously entered for the dictator.

    You know, a mechanical version of what we saw last November.


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