Report: DACA Illegal Aliens Working in California Gov’t on Immigration Issues – IOTW Report

Report: DACA Illegal Aliens Working in California Gov’t on Immigration Issues

Breitbart: Illegal aliens who have received temporary amnesty from the Obama administration are reportedly working as interns and aides in local California government on immigration issues.

Under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, nearly 800,000 illegal aliens have been allowed to remain in the U.S. and work legally. Last month, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced on behalf of President Donald Trump that DACA would officially be ended in March 2018.

A new report by the San Jose Mercury News reveals the extent to which DACA beneficiaries have been given opportunities ahead of Americans, with many working as aides and interns on immigration-related issues in San Jose, California.

For instance, Mario Lopez, an illegal alien in the DACA program, works as an aide and adviser to Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors President Dave Cortese. Lopez advises Cortese on immigration issues, despite technically being in the U.S. illegally.

Lopez began the open borders organization, New Americans Fellowship Program, in 2015. It works to give paid, county government internships to illegal aliens.

In another case, Lucila Ortiz, a 29-year-old former illegal alien in the DACA program who has since married a U.S. citizen, previously worked for San Jose Councilman Raul Peralez and was influential in organizing “citizenship drives” for San Jose city employees and their family members.  MORE

14 Comments on Report: DACA Illegal Aliens Working in California Gov’t on Immigration Issues

  1. “Illegal aliens who have received temporary amnesty from the Obama administration are reportedly working as interns and aides in local California government on immigration issues”

    doing another job Americans refuse to do ? making illegals legal ?

  2. Used to see illegals doing domestic work and landscape maintenance. Then construction was taken over by them. Now I notice that they dominate retail. Meanwhile I see A LOT of white, able-bodied, young, homeless meth-heads living in the street. 50 years of affirmative action, and the schools telling white kids they are bad and worthless has finally paid off. No country for an old man.

  3. When every third world country flushes its toilet filled with undesirables the dems ensure that big pipe empties into the U.S. They are just hateful scum to do this to their countrymen for cheap political benefits.

  4. To quote the law:


    Sec. 274A. [8 U.S.C. 1324a]

    (a) Making Employment of Unauthorized Aliens Unlawful.-

    (1) In general.-It is unlawful for a person or other entity-

    (A) to hire, or to recruit or refer for a fee, for employment in
    the United States an alien knowing the alien is an unauthorized alien
    (as defined in subsection (h)(3)) with respect to such employment, or


    (i) to hire for employment in the United States an individual
    without complying with the requirements of subsection (b) or

    (ii) if the person or entity is an agricultural association,
    agricultural employer, or farm labor contractor (as defined in section 3
    of the Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act), to
    hire, or to recruit or refer for a fee, for employment in the United
    States an individual without complying with the requirements of
    subsection (b).

    (2) Continuing employment.-It is unlawful for a person or other
    entity, after hiring an alien for employment in accordance with
    paragraph (1), to continue to employ the alien in the United States
    knowing the alien is (or has become) an unauthorized alien with respect
    to such employment.

    (3)Defense.-A person or entity that establishes that it has
    complied in good faith with the requirements of subsection (b) with
    respect to the hiring, recruiting, or referral for employment of an
    alien in the United States has established an affirmative defense that
    the person or entity has not violated paragraph (1)(A) with respect to
    such hiring, recruiting, or referral.

    (4) Use of labor through contract.-For purposes of this section,
    a person or other entity who uses a contract, subcontract, or
    exchange, entered into, renegotiated, or extended after the date of the
    enactment of this section, to obtain the labor of an alien in the
    United States knowing that the alien is an unauthorized alien (as
    defined in subsection (h)(3)) with respect to performing such labor,
    shall be considered to have hired the alien for employment in the
    United States in violation of paragra
    ph (1)(A).

    And that is just for hiring someone who the Federal Government did not give permission to work in our country. The next section deals with document fraud:


    Sec. 274C. [8 U.S.C. 1324c]
    (a) Activities Prohibited.-It is unlawful for any person or entity knowingly-

    (1) to forge, counterfeit, alter, or falsely make any document
    for the purpose of satisfying a requirement of this Act or to obtain a
    benefit under this Act,

    (2) to use, attempt to use, possess, obtain, accept, or receive
    or to provide any forged, counterfeit, altered, or falsely made
    document in order to satisfy any requirement of this Act or to obtain a
    benefit under this Act,

    (3) to use or attempt to use or to provide or attempt to provide
    any document lawfully issued to or with respect to a person other than
    the possessor (including a deceased individual) for the purpose of
    satisfying a requirement of this Act or obtaining a benefit under this
    (4) to accept or receive or to provide any document lawfully
    issued to or with respect to a person other than the possessor
    (including a deceased individual) for the purpose of complying with

    or obtaining a benefit under this Act , or

    to prepare, file, or assist another in preparing or filing, any
    application for benefits under this Act, or any document required
    under this Act, or any document submitted in connection with such
    application or document, with knowledge or in reckless disregard of the
    fact that such application or document was falsely made or, in whole
    or in part, does not relate to the person on whose behalf it was or is
    being submitted, or

    (6)(A) to present before boarding a common carrier for the purpose
    of coming to the United States a document which relates to the alien’s
    eligibility to enter the United States, and (B) to fail to present such
    document to an immigration officer upon arrival at a United States
    port of entry.

    If you want more information about our immigration laws, go to and look up the laws regarding immigration. Take note of sections 212 and 237 of the Walter-McCarran Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952.

    These people are ommitting crimes before our eyes and no one stops them? The above information is all you need to commit a citizens arrest of these people.

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