Report: Dem Congressman Daniel Goldman(NY) Holding $32+ Million in Cayman Island Bank Account – IOTW Report

Report: Dem Congressman Daniel Goldman(NY) Holding $32+ Million in Cayman Island Bank Account

Here’s a fun little bit of datamining by the folks at TrendingPolitics.  Apparently, former DOJ apparatchik and current New York Representative Daniel Goldman is holding $32+ million in a Cayman Island bank account.

Goldman was one of Los Tres Amigos conscripted from the DOJ who was enlisted by Mary McCord to run the public face of the House impeachment effort against President Trump.  More recently sketchy Goldman attempted to run defense for the Mueller-Weissmann team during testimony about the Twitter files. MORE

10 Comments on Report: Dem Congressman Daniel Goldman(NY) Holding $32+ Million in Cayman Island Bank Account

  1. That must be one of the places all that msNBC money goes through friends and family plan ATM fountain accounts for paid product placements on morning joe biden networks.

  2. Any why shouldn’t a democrat sleazy politician have 32+ million in a foreign bank?

    Bill Clinton and Obama made corruption ‘normal’. Biden made it fashionable.

  3. 10 Minutes ago, on Fox News Live
    Fox News Anchor celebrates Feets of War
    And Prostrates herself for more money for TV
    Go Fund Mees for Missing Keds


    ps: Live, it happened just less than 10 minutes AGO.
    Check the Record.

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