Report: Democrat Sen. Bob Menendez Plans to Resign After Bribery Conviction – IOTW Report

Report: Democrat Sen. Bob Menendez Plans to Resign After Bribery Conviction


Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) has reportedly told allies that he will resign from Congress since he was convicted on all counts in his federal corruption trial.

An NBC News report said that the New Jersey Democrat, who has, so far, been defiant and refused to resign in the face of demands from dozens of Senate Democrats, has said that he will soon step down.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL), and Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) have called on the New Jersey Democrat to resign.

“In light of this guilty verdict, Senator Menendez must now do what is right for his constituents, the Senate, and our country, and resign,” Schumer said in a statement after Menendez was found guilty on all 16 federal charges brought against him. more

8 Comments on Report: Democrat Sen. Bob Menendez Plans to Resign After Bribery Conviction

  1. He should use Adam Clayton Powell as his exemplar.
    Something stinks about this whole mess.
    Yeah, he’s probably a crook, but so are most of them, some obvious (Biden, Obola, Clinton, and Pelosi, for examples) and some not so obvious (“One-Eyed McCain” Crenshaw, for instance).

    The Feds have been relentless in their persecutions of this guy, but allowed Hillary Clinton to skate? Makes you go “Hmmm …”

    And I doubt very much whether it’s some sort of outrage at criminality on the part of an elected official – there’s simply too much of it going on – he pissed in somebody’s cereal and if he spills his guts, he’s dead.
    (just my guess)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. general malaise Thursday, 18 July 2024, 8:51 at 8:51 am

    EXACTLY what I was going to say! He is a sacrificial lamb.

    Except it won’t work, because the lamb must be without spot or blemish, and we all know there are no leftists like that!


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