Report: Democrats Seek 2020 Primary Challenger to Unseat Omar – IOTW Report

Report: Democrats Seek 2020 Primary Challenger to Unseat Omar

 Dan Bongino: Democrats are seeking a 2020 primary challenger in Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar’s district to unseat the Congresswoman after she repeatedly made anti-Semitic comments, according to Breitbart.

“Several Democrats” described Omar’s anti-Semitic comments as “the elephant in the room” and a distraction from the Democrats’ agenda for Congress and are seeking to remove her from office in 2020.

While, as Breitbart News is revealing here, there is an ongoing effort to seek out a primary challenger to Omar, it remains to be seen if the effort will be successful. Those involved in doing the searching for a candidate–top Democrats with national profiles and connections to senior leaders throughout the party–would only speak on condition of anonymity for this piece, and expressed their ongoing agony as this week in particular has dragged out to the point where Democrats finally passed a resolution out of the House late Thursday condemning hatred and bigotry.


19 Comments on Report: Democrats Seek 2020 Primary Challenger to Unseat Omar

  1. I was just wondering about her, and also Tlaib. Considering that most of the Democrat gains were by moderates in purple districts I wondered what paths they took.
    Omar replaced Keith Ellison. Tlaib replaced John Conyers. So each was in a clearly blue district. Each was a state legislator prior to last year’s election.
    So they, and Occasional-Cortex, would likely be replaced by Dems.

  2. They are loaded up with socialist/communist revolutionaries. They have a more efficient way of dealing with problems like this that crop up. An ice pick from behind or an unfortunate accident are being actively discussed in the back rooms of progdom as sure as I am JDHasty

    The only thing standing in their way is that they don’t know where to start. She is just one of many “problems” they have to deal with this week.

    Loose lips sink ships and socialism/communism demands that shit like these idiots are busy letting the cat out of the bag on be dealt with. Sure as I am sitting here the old guard is absolutely apoplectic over these latest developments. The old guard understands what the score is,…

  3. What agenda might the democrats have, “drive Trump from office”?? That’s all they know and all they work at twenty four seven, and little if anything else. Tiring and foolish. Their actual accomplishments equal zero. Get the F over it and get to work.

  4. The smart Demonrats care more about the Jewish vote and campaign contributions than they do about an enclave of Somali parasites.

    The Michigan muslima will be relaced by a Conyer son or crony.

    AOC is going to have both legs broken by NY goobahs for screwing up the Amazon feeding trough.

  5. There isn’t one damn thing these abject morons are putting before the public that has not been a daily topic behind closed doors among Democrat constituents for decades. The wheels is coming off bitches, your race to the bottom has saddled you with these idiots as the face of your Party and that is not in the best interests to your long term plan. Not by a long sight.

    What brought this on at this time is that they thought Hillary was in like Flynn and could act wreckless.

    They inculcated a bunch of young morons with the mindset: we are the ones we have been waiting for and created a monster the likes of which they have no idea how to deal with. If the people they were dealing with were not halfwits they might stand a chance, but they have created a Frankenstein’s monster out of fucking idiots who don’t have brains enough to pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were printed on the heal.

    It was like giving a Goddamn three year old a machine gun and then telling him that he could not have a second cookie. The bastards lack the intellectual firepower to burn toast and “they are in charge now.” Luck w/that Nancy and Chuckie.

  6. …doesn’t matter. MN and MI are going to send jihadist to the Government from here on out, not to govern but to destroy the system from within so Shari’a can be implemented in its place.

    …As Mohammad commands…

    Quran (18:26) – “[Allah] maketh none to share in his government.”

    Quran (3:28) – “Let not the believers Take for friends or helpers Unbelievers rather than believers: if any do that, in nothing will there be help from Allah: except by way of precaution, that ye may Guard yourselves from them. But Allah cautions you (To remember) Himself; for the final goal is to Allah.”

  7. The chi comms have bought the thinking of our universities.

    We really are at war – and with a good portion of our population brought in my psychos like obama and rats like bush and the rest of the GOPe.

  8. Here’s how another piece fits into the puzzle. Bitch McConnell didn’t come up with a plan to put the Green New Deal on the ballot, and neither did the eRepublicans. It may have been suggested by the Trump Adminiatration and/or the constitutional Republican’s… But that would only set Bitch against it.

    Nope, it was Chuck and Nancy who went to Bitch with a plan to cut this interloper off at the knees and since it was Bitch’s buddies Chuck and Nancy who were asking… It was as good as a done deal. Bitch had to enlist the help of a few of his foot soldiers to provide cover by making it look like it was their idea, but five,ll get ya’ ten this was Chuck and Nancy and maybe Senator Diane Shitstain who were more likely than not behind Bitch agreeing to put the Green New Deal out for a vote.

  9. How long before the muzzies ask for Major Cities to change their

    names?? Saint Paul, San Francisco ,Saint Louis ???

    Those are hurtful and offensive to people who f*ck goats.


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