Report: Donald Trump Plots Purging Administrative State Employees if Reelected – IOTW Report

Report: Donald Trump Plots Purging Administrative State Employees if Reelected


Former President Donald Trump’s potential return to the Oval Office will include an effort to purge the unaccountable administrative state that creates and directs vast amounts of far-left policy in the federal government, a report Friday by Axios detailed.

If reelected in 2024, Trump is planning to cut about 50,000 administrative state employees to rein in unelected technocrats in federal government agencies that have great influence over policies impacting American workers, according to the outlet.

“The impact could go well beyond typical conservative targets such as the Environmental Protection Agency and the Internal Revenue Service,” the report explained. “Trump allies are working on plans that would potentially strip layers at the Justice Department — including the FBI, and reaching into national security, intelligence, the State Department and the Pentagon, sources close to the former president say.”

The term administrative state specifically describes the phenomenon of unaccountable and unelected administrative agencies exercising power to create and enforce their own rules. more
h/t Brad.

28 Comments on Report: Donald Trump Plots Purging Administrative State Employees if Reelected

  1. And how many bureaucrats are still being paid to stay home? 75% of CDC, Epoch Times had to file FOIA. Imagine what the rest of them are doing.

    No wait, paying them to stay home is GOOD for the planet. Silly me. Because climate change…

  2. Didn’t he have an executive order 2 weeks before leaving office that stated that any civil servant could be fired? That was the first thing the impostor Biden undid. Even FDR knew that there should be no union if you’re working in the government.

  3. Fifty Thousand out of Three Million?
    1.6% – Damned Good Start!

    They’ll be pensioned off, but will pose a far less threat to the Republic.
    Shame they won’t be tried for treason and executed – that would save money – and produce a semblance of justice.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. If we are fortunate enough that he runs and wins in 2024, he should on day one fire every federal employee that the President has to the power to fire. Oh and by the way Larry Hogan is a douchebag.

  5. I have often said that ‘If I were president’… one of the first things I would do is a Rand Paul-style review of every position in the administration, all hundreds of thousands. Probably half could go and would only make things BETTER.
    But the second part of this is that the Dem presidents do political purges every time, and Trump absolutely should do a political purge.

  6. First fire those around you that sabotaged you like Jared Kushner, Mark Meadows, everyone that directed you to listed to Fauci / Dr.Scarf etc. And stop endorsing Lindsey Graham and Kevin McConnell etc.

  7. Hopefully, President Trump will learn from Warren Harding, who slashed the government budget and cut a bunch of overreaching WWI government policies. These actions lead up to the “Roaring Twenties”. And he was rewarded with the “Teapot Dome” scandal to taint his popularity, and the “press” hounded him mercilessly over the actions of some of his cabinet…Sounds a lot like President Trumps first term.
    Pray for President Trump. President Harding died of an “apparent heart attack” two years into his presidency.

  8. We need a multi-holer Hang ’em High-style gallows on the Washington mall, And we can stuff Mickey Mauci in the 1st hole!!! Sell broadcast rights on PPV, and put it towards the national debt – I’ll bet its the most-watched program of all time!!!

  9. … there are several government agencies that need flushed as well like the department of education to begin with…

    While you are firing folks make sure they go to jail and make things like gravel from rocks!

  10. Keep in mind Trump didn’t lose to Biden. He lost to the deep state and they’re treasonous cheating.
    They don’t intend to ever let him come back. The same proud people are hard at it everyday.
    I’m not saying it can’t happen, it’s just a matter of what it’s going to take or how much we will take?

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  12. @reid July 23, 2022 at 1:35 pm

    Do you believe in magic? In a MAGA’s heart?
    How just words can save them, when the rally starts?
    The words are magic, no matter the truth.
    They make you boom harder, like a spry boomer boom.

    Let me tell you ’bout the magic. It’ll save your soul.
    It’s like tryna tell children, bout the dults in the room.

    If you believe in MAGA, don’t bother to think.
    If it’s The Donald or Javanka? Runnin’ the show.
    Just listen and cheer. It’ll start with a wall.
    Just cheer the invasion, no matter how “small”.
    Don’t wipe the smile offa’ yer face.
    How you got there don’t matter. It’s a πd chess race.

    (kazoo solo)

    <turn it up>
    Thank you! Columbia!

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