Report — Dr. Oz on Trans Swimmer: ‘We Have to Have Compassion’ for Transgender Adults – IOTW Report

Report — Dr. Oz on Trans Swimmer: ‘We Have to Have Compassion’ for Transgender Adults

Breitbart: Celebrity Doctor Mehmet Oz, a Republican Senate candidate in Pennsylvania, recently stated, “we have to have compassion” for transgender adults when asked about transgender collegiate swimmer Lia Thomas, according to a report. Thomas, a biological male who swims for the University of Pennsylvania, has been smashing women’s records this season.

Oz was hosting a private lunch in New York City on December 16, when he was asked about his position on transgender rights by an attendee who referenced Thomas, according to gossip website Radar Online.

The outlet reports to have obtained audio of Oz’s response:

46 Comments on Report — Dr. Oz on Trans Swimmer: ‘We Have to Have Compassion’ for Transgender Adults

  1. Don’t go down that road. Don’t go down that road. Don’t you, don’t you, don’t you, don’t you, follow that fellow down the road; It’s a dude swimming down that lane, don’t go down that road.

  2. Compassion is defined as “a feeling of wanting to help someone who is sick, hungry, in trouble, etc.” I do have compassion for these people. But I want to give them the telephone number and address for their local mental health facility, not enable them to continue their degenerate behavior.

  3. Fine.
    Compete UP a Level like in all other sports.
    Trans competes in the MORE COMPETITIVE gender category.
    M A L E regardless of their birth Gender.

    They don’t put 15 year old boys in 11 year old boy’s sports. You must compete UP not Down a level.

  4. Ahhhh, to repeal the 17th Amendment, and let the State SELECT its own Senator, instead of ELECTing by popular vote. We already have the House done that way.

  5. How many of the commenters bothered to READ the linked piece?

    1) The TV “doctor” does NOT want men in women’s sports.
    2) “Lia” Thomas is more likely a true psychopath than a true transgender.

    Psychopathy and its kissing cousins, borderline personality disorder and sociopathy, are MUCH less uncommon than gender dysphoria.

  6. Canada’s criminal code will be amended to make conversion therapy practices illegal for both adults and children, without defining what it means – fast tracked by the conservative party first. Also banned is therapy meant to “repress a person’s non-cisgender gender identity,” as well as “repress or reduce a person’s gender expression that does not conform to the sex assigned to the person at birth.”

  7. Compassion would be letting transgender individuals know their behavior is abnormal and destructive. The real science stands – genetically, you’re a man or a woman. Surgery, mannerisms, hormone therapy, clothes, etc. can’t change that.

  8. Yes, by all means be “compassionate”. I love dogs but if one becomes rabid, my “compassion” tells me to put it down for it’s own good and the safety of others.

    So do Italian men who want to compete as women’s sports have to shave their mustaches or will no one notice? Asking for one of the Mario brothers.

  9. Dr. Oz may think his good intentions relate to being conservative. However, it’s the hallmark of a liberal to believe good intentions are enough.

    He needs to believe and act on supporting the principles that made The United States the greatest nation on Earth.

    Not infringing on others rights, as it pertains to the U.S. Constitution should always be a primary compassionate principal to follow. It would guide Dr. Oz’s political and moral decisions if he considers himself a conservative.

    Doubt Dr. Oz has grounding as a conservative.
    He’s liberal perspective and influential leftist friends like Oprah seem to be what he’s really about. He’s bound to be another RINO.

  10. I don’t have one D@#$ bit of compassion for a screwed up jerk guy cheating girls that have worked their whole lives to excel in sports, only to be cheated out of their rewards by perverted mentally ill males seeking attention. I also have no respect for those who facilitate and condone their delusion.

  11. Some of us said this from day one.
    This is a liberal trying to run as a Republican.
    He would be worse than RINOs.
    Do not even remotely think of this voting for this clown.

  12. @99th Squad Leader December 27, 2021 at 4:31 pm

    > Not infringing on others rights, as it pertains to the U.S. Constitution should always be a primary compassionate principal to follow.

    The horses rode Title IX out of the barn, through the woods, and into the sunset, years ago. What else ya got?

  13. @Ohio Dan December 27, 2021 at 4:35 pm

    > I don’t have one D@#$ bit of compassion for a screwed up jerk guy cheating girls that have worked their whole lives to excel in sports, only to be cheated out of their rewards by perverted mentally ill males seeking attention.

    You missed the exit for The Special Olympics. Girls sports has always been a grift off of men’s sports. There is no “girls excelling at sports”. If they did they would surpass the men. The only rewards they are “being cheated out of”, are those they stole (at gun point) from the men who created them. Boo hoo.

  14. My compassion ends the moment someone wants me to recognize them for being something they are not. Just because a doctor has a Dr in front of their name does not mean they are God. Oz goes against God`s principales, therefore, Oz is a fraud,

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