Report: Drunk Democrat Ruins Tween Slumber Party, Denies Everything – IOTW Report

Report: Drunk Democrat Ruins Tween Slumber Party, Denies Everything

WFB: A Valentine’s Day slumber party for tween girls ended in tears last week after a former journalist turned Democratic candidate for Congress showed up, got drunk, and verbally abused the children before vomiting in a laundry basket.

NonDoc reports that Abby Broyles, who is running to represent Oklahoma’s Fifth Congressional District, was invited to the Feb. 11 sleepover by the host, whose daughter was among the eight girls in attendance. Broyles was reportedly drinking wine and was initially pleasant before she suddenly lashed out at the children for no apparent reason:

According to multiple accounts of the evening, Broyles became intoxicated and spoke derogatorily to some of the girls. She allegedly called one girl an “acne fucker,” which prompted the girl to leave the room in tears. Broyles allegedly called another girl a “Hispanic fucker” and another a “judgy fucker.”

At one point, Broyles allegedly vomited into a laundry basket and onto one girl’s shoes.

Sarah Matthews, a mother of one of the girls who attended the party, tagged Broyles’s campaign account in a Twitter thread posted on Wednesday. MORE

25 Comments on Report: Drunk Democrat Ruins Tween Slumber Party, Denies Everything

  1. Could have been worse.

    Could have been Joe Biden.

    The girls would all leave with syphilis then, the secret service would chase down any escapees, and anyone who complained would go to January 6th prison without trial or bail forever.

    …that’s how Democrats roll…

  2. …but it DOES give the girls something to talk about in school the next day, so there’s that, and life experience in dealing with drunks is very valuable as it WILL come up again in your life, guaranteed…

  3. …one wonders if the girl hosting the slumber party was forced to clean up Mom’s vomit, Mom’s a Democrat politician, so I’m guessing yes, and probably Mommy Dearest style in front of her freinds too for maximum humiliation…

  4. I think she’s going to win! These are the types of people that get elected to office then end up with cities like Detroit, San Francisco, New York, they’re all woven from the same weave.

  5. Ever notice that Democrats always get drunk and high and fuck around and go all over the world to try to escape who and what and where they are and whoever they may be with?

    …it’s like they are fundamentally unhappy people, and when NONE of that makes them happy they take it out on US, to tear US down to THEIR level so they won’t be miserable alone…

  6. @ Anonymous FEBRUARY 19, 2022 AT 9:51 AM

    You don’t have to convince us you are not a fake lib who has first hand experience with teenager girls who have suffered the misfortune to have been raised in leftist environments. We are well aware of what you fuckers live in and what you go to extremes to unleash on society.

  7. She says the combination of “medication and wine” are to blame for her faux pas. Vile Democrat pols never actually do anything, do they? It’s always the drugs, the booze, the guns, etc. that are to blame.

    In Abby Broyles case it’s a combination of being 31 years old, not married/engaged, no children (or plans of having children) — she’s described as a “dog lover” — and “careers” that don’t seem to be panning-out. Jordan Peterson is 100% right about his assessment of young women who believe home, hearth and family are poor substitutes for, or barriers to, their “careers” (98% of careers are just “jobs”). He says that such women are “inappropriately oriented” and are in need of psychological counseling. I’m not doing Peterson’s views justice, but I agree with him.

    So, here’s the interesting part: If Broyles is such a committed feminist, why does she specifically target families and girls (children) as the causes that give her life meaning? This is actually very dark. She makes me think of those two white lesbians who drove those six black children over a cliff in California a couple years ago. They “loved” them to death.

    Democrat voters are such shallow thinkers. There’s only a hundred different red flags about Abby Broyles, and her drunk tirade against the very (female) children she purports to “fight for!” is but one of them.

  8. What motivates Democrats in particular, but all progressives, and what they resent more than anything is that others have joy and fulfillment in life they think they deserve but have been cheated out of. This cunt is a prime example. Their miserable lives are a product of their choices and the pitiful lives they freely choose to lead.

  9. “ Alicia Andrews, chair of the Oklahoma Democratic Party, told The Oklahoman it would not ask Broyles to stand down.

    “Regarding the party’s stance on Ms. Broyles candidacy, the party is not in the habit of running candidates off. Should Ms. Broyles continue in her pursuit of Oklahoma Congressional District Five, the party will not get in her way,” Andrews said.”

    Yea right. Check with any Democrat candidate that claims to not be a rabid, wild eyed, supporter of abortion on demand.


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