Report: Epstein’s Lawyers Offer Plea Deal to Divulge Names in Exchange for 5-Year Sentence – IOTW Report

Report: Epstein’s Lawyers Offer Plea Deal to Divulge Names in Exchange for 5-Year Sentence

Epoch Times:

Alleged child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein will agree to give up names of individuals who took part in the trafficking ring he’s charged with running—in exchange for a substantially lower sentence, according to a report by broadcast channel One America News Network (OANN).

“Epstein’s lawyer has already made a proffer to SDNY,” OANN host Jack Posobiec said in a July 8 Twitter post. SDNY refers to the Southern District of New York.

“Epstein will agree to cooperate with the investigation, including giving up the names of individuals that paid for activities with underage girls in exchange for a maximum sentence not to exceed 5 years,” he continued, without indicating where he got the information.

A two-count indictment unsealed by federal prosecutors on July 8 charged the 66-year-old billionaire financier with sex trafficking and conspiracy charges. Epstein allegedly sexually exploited and abused dozens of minor girls at his homes in Manhattan, New York, and Palm Beach, Florida, among other locations.

The charges carry with them a maximum sentence of 45 years in jail. At Epstein’s age, the charges are tantamount to “a life sentence,” Geoffrey Berman, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, said at a press conference.

The 14-page unsealed indictment didn’t name any of the “employees and associates” who facilitated Epstein’s conduct by contacting and scheduling the victims’ sexual encounters with him.

Between 2002 and 2005, Epstein “enticed and recruited” minor girls in New York and Florida to engage in sex acts, after which he would pay the victims hundreds of dollars in cash, court records stated.

Epstein has connections to numerous high-profile people, including former President Bill Clinton, the UK’s Prince Andrew, actor Kevin Spacey, and director Woody Allen. Clinton flew on Epstein’s jet, infamously dubbed the “Lolita Express,” at least 26 times, according to records obtained by Fox News in 2016.

41 Comments on Report: Epstein’s Lawyers Offer Plea Deal to Divulge Names in Exchange for 5-Year Sentence

  1. I’m no lawyer but, “Epstein’s Lawyers Offer Plea Deal to Divulge Names in Exchange for 5-Year Sentence”, is not quite what most of us want to see. Simply divulging names isn’t quite the same thing as being a witness for the prosecution. His freedom someday would require active participation in every instance in which he is called upon.

  2. They’re looking for anybody who met with Trump for five minutes, worked for Trump for a month, came to a party at Mar-a-lago and also knew Epstein on some level. They’ve probably already got a list of people who fit that bill, and those people are about to be Manaforted. I’d give it a month before CNN is given a heads-up about the first Pre-Dawn Raid.

  3. No deal! They got him where they want him, plus the charter lists. He is the mastermind of child sex and if he walks free after 5 years, someone may finish him off themselves. This totally perverted scum needs to finish his life in prison.

  4. I’m with Joe6pak — What is this “divulge” business? Negotiate prison sentence IF those named are also convicted. What the hell ever happened to prosecutors who could prosecute?! I thought they found a CD and other ledgers in his safe that already had names.

    (Oh, and cry me a river over Epstein’s potential “life sentence”. How about those very young girls to whom he gave a life sentence?)

  5. PH not withstanding……. and most of you swear that Sessions was dozing in the corner…. How many sealed indictments did his organization deliver?
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  6. The Arkancide option may well make the 5 year wrist slap academic. I wonder how many times he’ll have to shoot himself in the back of the head?

  7. I bet he hands them Bill, and they take it, thinking it will get them to Mr. Trump. Bill ‘strokes out’ in the hot tub and drowns before he can testify, Hilary goes by way of ‘infarction’ out in the woods. Epstein gets his in the prison laundry. The low hanging fruit will turn, and we will see some juicy takedowns.
    But mostly it will be the same old chin music about Mr. Trump ‘normalizing behaviors’ or ‘contributing to a culture of(something bad)’.

  8. This is what happens when you have an unequal justice system. If some unknown person did this they would lock him up and forget where the key went. We see this out of balance justice system at work though out the US every few days.

  9. lemmesee …. the judge was appointed by Clinton, the prosecutor is Comey’s daughter … hmmmmmmm

    smell that? smells like covering-up to me

  10. This whole Epstein thing is about the further takeover of the Democrat Party by the progs. Clinton and Co. are looked at as the past by these Marxist revolutionaries and standing in their way. If you don’t think they are still pissed about 2016, highly pissed. You haven’t been paying attention.

    They are sending a message to the entire Democrat Party that they are not in any mood for playing patty cake.

  11. Depending on who is on that list, the list he supplies, which will probably be only a partial list, his life expectancy is very likely to be a lot less than 5 years.

  12. I wonder if Roberts could be on that list, or worried that maybe he or someone close to him is?

    Just unfounded and wild speculation, of course, but it could explain some things if it were even slightly close to true.

  13. Hey wasn’t IG Horowitz report coming out in June. I missed all the people in on the Russia hoax that went to jail. I’m starting to think someone wants left and right in constant chaos but just like CNN to the left with the perp walk just around the corner, we keep waiting for someone of the elites actually receive justice.

  14. Woodword and Bernstein don’t have the balls to tackle the ‘un….this could take down 30 years of Presidential legacy. Then find Obamas real daddy and Barry’s real college transcripts….The media is flagrant pussies. They all have Acostaginas…..

  15. Poor person who had to deal with HILLARY’S SANDBOX.

    Sorry for the image but I just cracked a bottle of EAGLE RARE Bourbon in hopeful celebration that some horrific people might go to jail.
    However, JAMES COMEY’s daughter is apparently part of the prosecution. What is the likelihood that she will expose the full demo faithful sickness?

  16. Anyone who thinks this piece of shit will turn on the Clintons, or that Comey’s daughter is even interested in going after the Clintons, is living in a dream world. More likely is she is putting the squeeze on him to falsely accuse President Trump. This all happened WAY too fast, and too close to the 2020 elections.

  17. if he were to be offered a reduced sentence, that would be accompanied by a clandestine propaganda campaign to influence the public’s view of pedophilia. They would like it to be acceptable that it ‘really isn’t that bad.’ They wouldn’t be able to sell total acceptance, but his receiving short time would also serve to cause people to begin to accept pedos. They will move the ball- just a very small distance, but they will have begun movement.
    The records of his activities should be in the prosecutor’s possession. If they are not, he is withholding evidence. If he doesn’t cooperate, give him the stiffest sentence possible, which would include the child pornography just uncovered, and that he produced. Tell him he _will_ die in jail unless he tells what he knows. Otherwise, he is aiding and abetting fellow criminals. As will they be.

  18. Chomos get shanked in the yard….pretty damn fast. Not like no one knows who this guy is.

    Correctional officers don’t like chomos either. They get hard of hearing when chomos cry out for help.

    5 years is plenty of time to dispense justice.

  19. One of today’s sites said Hillary visited Pedo Paradise. The thought of any human being, male or female, having sex with Hillary should keep a normal guy from eating for a week. Goooood gawd. That’s disgusting. Maybe a donkey or German Shepard, but not a human.

  20. Two things come to mind. The first is that the proffer only mentions people that PAID for the services of underage girls and not mentioned the people that got serviced for free (Clinton et al) and the second is that I’ll bet the Prosecution (Comey’s daughter leading the way) shit their pants when the defense lawyers offered the proffer and are trying to figure out how to decline it without looking like they’ve been bought or how to control the contents without it being leaked. They want Trump.

  21. Ok: five years in the pen, in exchange for all names and testimony. If he comes through, cut his ball off, blind him, then set him free. If he breaches the agreement, do the same, but crucify him.

  22. “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” – Donald Trump


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