Post Millennial: The suspect in the July 4 massacre in Highland Park, Ill. was able to purchase firearms despite having been flagged as a “clear and present danger” by police in 2019. This came after police were called to the shooter’s family’s home.
“In September 2019, ISP received a Clear and Present Danger report on the subject from theย Highland Park Police Department.ย The report was related to threats the subject made against his family,” Illinois State Police said in aย statement.
September 2019 saw police attend the Crimo home and asked the suspect if he was interested in harming himself. He said no, and the officers took his collection of knives. Later, the suspect’s father Bob Crimo, said that the knives were his and they were returned to the home. MORE
Mom and Dad are about to get sued into oblivion!
Sounds to me like the sins of the father are coming home to roost in the actions of his neer do well son.
Scratch the background. I’m sure their parenting skills go much deeper into crap than this story reveals.
“The cow pie doesn’t fall far from the cow.”
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
The uncle is all over the place talking about seeing no red flags.
Did he even look at his nephew? What about in his bedroom? or his artwork?
I believe this family was willfully ignoring the problem growing in their own house.
Instead of helping their child, they took the easy way out and appeased him.
The perpetrator bears responsibility for his actions, 100%. But I don’t buy the “he’s a good boy”, “we never saw anything of concern”, and “he’s expressing his art” BS from the people closest to him.
The knives were taken. The father said they were his so they were returned. So the boy could only use those knives to kill? What about kitchen knives? What about carpenter knives or going to the local Tru Value or Wally mart and buying a knife? Something stinks here.
Recently unemployed by Pannera.
What about the knives there?
And who wants to get food from a place with something like that slinking around the joint!
Looks like Pannera dodged a bullet on this one… literally!
Have a creepazoid kid?
It is ALWAYS the parents’ fault.
Yeah ADHD brain poisoning and SSRI drugs. But who screwed up and allowed this. Creepazoids start becoming creepazoids when they’re still toddlers.
Yeah peer groups. But who screwed up the kid so that he aligned with losers and other creepazoids.
Who lets a minor come home with green hair and doesn’t shave that crap off. Lets a kid come home withface tats and doesn’t haul him off to the doc to get them removed. Has a kid that looks emaciated and has no job and doesn’t e.g. bring him to the job site and make him carry plywood for the summer… or just yank him out of bed in the morning and make him do other heavy work in exchange for his room and board…
It is ALWAYS the parents’ fault.
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@Chance: Mom and Dad are about to get sued into oblivion!
The kid may as well have murdered them because they are actually dead. They have lost everything they worked for including the kid you enabled to murder. Your days will be lived in misery and the daily scoffing from people in the community you harmed. Another Demoncrat getting their come uppins.