Report: Feds Used a Dozen Informants to Stage Phony Kidnapping Plot Against Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer – IOTW Report

Report: Feds Used a Dozen Informants to Stage Phony Kidnapping Plot Against Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer

BLP: The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) used at least 12 informants to stage the phony kidnapping plot against Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer that was announced shortly before last year’s election, according to a Buzzfeed report.

Defendants Barry Croft, Adam Fox, Daniel Harris, Kaleb Franks, and Brandon Caserta have all pleaded not guilty to the ridiculous and promulgated charges. The sixth defendant, Ty Garbin, folded and accepted a plea deal. The news that the so-called kidnapping plot was engineered by feds may ultimately demonstrate the innocence of these individuals in the court of law. more

16 Comments on Report: Feds Used a Dozen Informants to Stage Phony Kidnapping Plot Against Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer

  1. There’s something going on in Denver right now which smells of this. 3 guys caught in a hotel with 12 plus guns and some drugs close to Coors field and the MLB all-star game….One of the three is giving interviews and basically stating that he has worked for several alphabet agencies for the last 16 years…weird shit and won’t probably see much press….don’t worry though as Denver’s mayor says everything is safe now…..WTF….

  2. I told my husband when the news first of wHitler’s “attempted kidnapping”, that it was a set up.
    She was way too giddy and weirdly
    joyful during the press conference. I mean seriously, who would want that old bitch?
    And who would be stupid enough to pay for her return?
    The F*cking Bunch of Idiots should be the ones tried and convicted.

  3. The FBI is better at setting up some rubes than investigating real corruption, like the Biden Crime Family.
    …….guess they’ll arrest them and put them with the 500 January 6th “insurrection” folks who dared to walk upon hallowed ground of the People’s House.
    Typical Corrupt FBI BS.

  4. Jewish FBI Agent Infiltrates Bible Study Group And Tries To Entrap Its Members

    The family of 27-year-old Fi Duong thought they escaped government oppression when they left Vietnam. They were wrong.

    According to an FBI criminal complaint, Duong has been closely surveilled by the FBI for the past six months, including while he engaged in religious activity.

    Welcome to the USSR, brought to you by the FBI and other alphabet agencies, weapons of the marxist democrats.


    So Much Evidence that January 6, 2021 was a Calculated Set-Up
    By Steve McCann
    Political persecution and isolation of vast swaths of the citizenry by the Justice Department, the Intelligence Community, and the Judiciary in the wake of the January 6, 2021, Capitol incursion should bring a chill down the spine of every American. This same troika, but with different nomenclature, was mobilized by 20th Century despots to eliminate their political enemies and establish a police state.

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