PM: One of the three soldiers aboard the Black Hawk helicopter that collided with an American Airlines flight near Reagan National Airport on Wednesday has been identified as a former White House aide during the Biden administration.
The Army identified the soldier as 28-year-old Captain Rebecca Lobach, an aviation officer who had served since July 2019. Lobach’s military honors included the Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal, National Defense Service Medal, and Army Service Ribbon. She first enlisted in the North Carolina Army National Guard while in college in December 2018, according to CBS News.
Lobach previously worked as a White House social aide under President Joe Biden. Last month, she escorted designer Ralph Lauren through the White House when he received the Presidential Medal of Freedom. more here
I bet she couldn’t parallel park….
Airport in DC is designed for disaster. Formwe Air Traffic Controller.
@willysgoatgruff — But I bet she could parallel pork.
If she worked for Biden in the White House as a “Social Aide” She had to most likely be DEI.
You don’t go from “social aide” to US Army helicopter pilot trainee without pulling a lot of strings. Starting to look like she had no business controlling a Blackhawk over DC at all.
I’m betting she’s a vagiterian
Considering how corrupt the Biden regime is, you can’t rule out she knew too much.
Wouldn’t be the first time.
<500 hours over 6 years is nothing.
Especially if your most recent experience is ushering aging hosexuals around an illegitimately occupied government building for the purpose of collecting a defiled award.
There are no fools among the regulars on this site. We all know how this story will read in 10 years. MSM and DNC loyalist Damage Controllers have been on the job 24/7 since the tragedy. DEI was a factor, bigly. She dint-need-no-steenkin aptitude or qualifications, she was connected baby! Strike 1. They’ve wiped everything they can from the net. WHY? Strike 2. There is something seriously wrong at the Control Tower too, DEI: strike 3.
“There are no fools among the regulars on this site. ”
Oh really? You bastards have been trying to blame this on a transitioned woman pilot from the get. Well turns out she was a non transitioned woman. Should she have been behind the stick? Probably not. But then again we don’t know that she was behind the stick do we. You people are like a bunch of old women. I’m disgusted. What the fuck was that Helo doing 400 feet above it’s ceiling? Important question. The tower could have easily saved all these lives. Why you people are fixated with the crew of the Helo is beyond me. What the was that Helo doing there in the first place. This is all on the tower. Every last soul.
The latest NTSB update was that the collision took place at 325 feet according to the black box.
The tower had the helicopter at 200 feet and that they still have to translate the box on it and figure out what happened.
But they know for sure it was 325 feet give or take 25 feet at time of impact.
“Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal, National Defense Service Medal, and Army Service Ribbon.”
Those sound nice. What were her flight certifications?
450 hour flight time. Are you assuming she was at the stick? Just asking.
“…the midair collision resulted in the total death of 67 people…”
No partials, then.
Reports are the Pilot was a Warrant Officer named Eaves…and this DEI hire was the co pilot…..Other reports are that the pilot Eaves was a transgender. Explains a great deal if true….
only the black box will show who was in control of the copter…..
“.Other reports are that the pilot Eaves was a transgender. Explains a great deal if true….”
Link it or it’s just more bull shit. It’s the fucking tower people.
Bad_Brad, I heard 500, but that was early on. 450 now, you say? Flight hours?
And I’m only assuming that she was not just along for the ride.
“And I’m only assuming that she was not just along for the ride”
I can’t make assumptions in my business. No mater who had a hold of the stick, it was still the tower. Your people’s fixation with the helo is amazing.
@ Bad_Brad…..did the tower tell the help to go up to 400 feet?….It’s gonna be revealed. They’re are slow rolling this for some reason and we all know why….
And Bad_Brad, the caller is the only one who survived this square dance. Naturally, he’s going to get some unfair blame to go along with blame which may be deserved. I wonder how many hours he has safely landing planes.
Bad_Brad, you have made some strong assumptions about the tower. Now that you have crossed that threshold, go ahead and make some assumptions about the helo. It’s okay.
Most logical questioned asked here on this thread. The answer is nobody knows yet. Here’s what I know and can prove. That Helo was originally transversing the runways. Don’t know their altitude. At that point the tower radioed the passenger plane and had them switch runways to runway 33, I believe. So the Tower knows they have a problem with that Helo. Next the Tower radios the Helo and asked them to fall in behind the passenger plane to land. Disaster ensues. Bottom line, the tower knew this Helo was a problem and didn’t do jack shit to stop it.
Please point out my assumptions. I can prove everything I typed above.
You assume all blame lies with the tower, Brad:
“This is all on the tower.”
“It’s the fucking tower people…”
That is an assumption you have made, but at this point, you don’t know enough to assert that as fact. Maybe, after a full investigation, it will be a fact that “This is all on the tower”, but I don’t think so. There is plenty of blame to go around beyond the tower and the helo crew.
““This is all on the tower”, but I don’t think so.”
Bull Shit. What you fail to admit is the tower had the authority and the power to shut that crap down. Put the incoming flights on their tales to get the hell out of dodge and ground anything trying to take off. That should have been done about 5 minutes before impact. Yes or no? And consider the Helos previous actions. Like I said, the Tower is responsible for every soul lost.
If that helo were a drone, what would they have done? Just asking
Another flight was forced into last second redirect at DCA just 24 hours before deadly crash
Welp, Brad might be a bit mean about it, but I’m pretty sure he’s right. While we may find that someone in the helo has some level of culpability, at the end of the day the Tower is supposed to have control and prevent this very type of event.
Air Traffic Controllers.
They Control.
The Traffic.
That’s in the Air.
And that group of FAA folx have been systemically gutted over several years by the policies of Obama and Biden.
I’ve lived in this area for decades; Reagan Airport is a little postage stamp airport right on the river. Love child of Dulles and BWI I guess. However, given its proximity to the Pentagon, downtown Washington, and several military bases (and everyone here who thinks they’re “somebody” wants to travel in a helo, and there are lots of people here who think that of themselves) I would have expected the Reagan Tower to be always fully staffed, and staffed with the very best of Air Traffic Control personnel. After all, there are a shit-ton of airframes bouncing around.
So either it WASN’T staffed with the best and brightest (in which case, holy crap), or
It WAS staffed with the best and brightest (in which case OMG fucking holy crap).
What a bloody mess.
Was there no altimeter in the slick? The restriction is 200 feet. That’s in the cocl
A few points.
The female captain had been assigned to the White House, she didn’t volunteer, so it’s not her fault who was President. She had likely been away from flying for months or even years, thus the reason for the training/evaluation flight.
The CWO was 39 years old, so had at least 15 years in Blackhawks. Regardless of rank, HE was evaluating HER, so he was in command and was likely in the right seat; she was probably flying, he was observing.
The sergeant/crew chief was in the back seat and supposedly watching to hazards. Reports are that SOP was to have 2 on board; why wasn’t there?
They reportedly were wearing night vision. This gives you “tunnel vision”. Also, I’m not familiar with the latest generation NV, does it filter out bright lights like landing lights?
Reagan/National is a busy airport. Plans are stacked up to land, probably within 3 or 4 minutes apart. If you were looking, you could see the landing lights of 4 or 5 of them on approach. Did the Blackhawk crew see the wrong plane approaching and miss the closest one?
The ATC had responsibility to make sure the planes weren’t on a collision course; it was his/her/its primary job. Was he overloaded? Word is there was supposed to be 30 some controllers in the tower but were only 19. The shortage of ATCs is the fault of DEI excluding white males from the hiring pool as has been well documented. And now 67 people are dead.
There is a video interview with a Blackhawk pilot that flew those missions for some time. They go into a lot of detail about what is involved between the tower, tha pilots, and operations at that airport. The helo acknowledged they had the incoming jet in sight and would maintain visual separation. They were probably looking at the wrong jet.
I didn’t hear on the tapes so far the tower giving a bearing and a distance to the incoming jet before the helo acknowledged they had the other aircraft in sight.
Once the helo acked, the tower is done.
Runway 33 approach requires incoming flights to cross the river twice. First is about 1600 feet, second between 400 and 500.
Runway 01 approach never crosses the river.
The pilot interviewed said he never saw a flight land on 33 when he was flying that helicopter route.
She had at least 250 hours of flight time learning how to fly a Blackhawk. Then she made it to O-3 as a pilot only flying 200 more hours? Then they put NVG’s on her and send her on a training mission in one of the most congested air spaces in the nation?
This was a recipe for failure.
What are they scrubbing, and why?
Tsquared – This was a recipe for failure. Exactly!
DEI is a Leftist-made “virus” that is designed to impair and destroy the operations of whatever organization it is injected into. Fill it up with incompetence in the name of “inclusivity” then just sit back and watch everything fall apart.
DEI is a recipe for failure
Thirdtwin – Good point! With-holding, altering or destroying information corrupts the investigation process, making the pursuit of the truth more complicated and time consuming. This should be actionable, particularly when it is involved with loss of life in a FAA investigation. Scrubbing a Social Media site of someone involved sends up a flare that sez “LOOK AT ME”
I’m not a fixed wing pilot. I’m not a rotor wing pilot. I’m not an air traffic controller. I’m not even an NTSB aircraft accident investigator. But I play one on IOTW REPORT.
Here is the best analysis out there
FWIW, I’m no pilot, but had already figured out that 500 hours ain’t shit. In fact it impressed me as probably right about where you run into the worst combination of over confidence and and inexperience combined with arrogance vs actual experience.
Thirdtwin, there is a reason they withheld the name for 3 days to scrub not only her social media, but her entire family’s social media.
My guess is it has nothing to do with who is at fault with the crash. More to do with her being a lesbian and family democrat ties and that she wasn’t merit based.
Benny Johnson just dropped a bomb on this. Yeah, she was a Biden fan girl.