Report: Fetterman Hears Voices in Head that Sound Like Charlie Brown’s Teacher – IOTW Report

Report: Fetterman Hears Voices in Head that Sound Like Charlie Brown’s Teacher

Trending Politics:

On Wednesday, Democrat Senator John Fetterman was hospitalized after he was allegedly feeling “light-headed.”

According to the New York Times however, Fetterman’s condition is much worse than initially thought as they noted how Fetterman has not reacted well to becoming a Senator.

His transition has been “extraordinarily challenging” due to”strains of his recovery, which left him with a physical impairment and serious mental health challenges.”

The Political Insider reports:

The physical impairment mentioned by the New York Times that Fetterman contends with is an auditory processing issue that forces him to rely on tablets or screens to transcribe what is being said to him.

There is a monitor at his desk that adjusts to whether he is standing or sitting, there is a custom desk at the center-dais with a similar monitor, and there is a live audio-to-text transcription service for committee hearings.

It gets even worse.

SNIP: I hope his wife is happy.

26 Comments on Report: Fetterman Hears Voices in Head that Sound Like Charlie Brown’s Teacher

  1. I beg to differ. Fetterman seems like he is more than qualified to be a Democrat member of Congress; in fact, he may be overqualified compared to some other Democrats.

  2. “Whaa. Whaa whaa, whaa-whaa-whaa-whaa-whaa!”

    “What did he say?”

    “Hi. Good night, everybody.”

    “Well, how the hell are we supposed to know that?

    “From the cadence!”

    “Oh, fyck.”

  3. Feebs are us, just like our idiot feeb in chief Presidunce joey who has constant brain farts dancing around in his empty head. How and why do we keep on electing morons like these 2 and other democraps who are supposed to be our elected representatives? These 2 and the other democrap morons are poster boys and girls for Bizarro World.

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