Report: Five-State ICE Sweep Nabs 78 Illegals in the Midwest – IOTW Report

Report: Five-State ICE Sweep Nabs 78 Illegals in the Midwest


Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials announced the arrest of 78 criminal illegals during a five-state sweep through the Midwest, a report says.

“Iowa and Nebraska each saw 25 arrests, while there were 15 arrests in Minnesota, 10 in South Dakota and three in North Dakota.,” Fox News reported.

“This operation targeted criminal aliens, public safety threats, and individuals who have violated our nation’s immigration laws,” ICE official Peter Berg said in a May 15 statement. “Operations like this reflect the vital work our ERO officers do every day to protect our communities, uphold public safety and protect the integrity of our immigration laws and border controls. We will continue to devote the full efforts of our agency to protecting citizens and enforcing federal immigration law. Communities across the upper Midwest are safer today because of the hard work of the men and women of ERO.”

62 of those arrested had serious criminal records:

14 Comments on Report: Five-State ICE Sweep Nabs 78 Illegals in the Midwest

  1. That’s it?

    We catch more fish when we through the net overboard in the morning…

    That said, ICE had no real teeth under Hussein and are just now getting their groove back…hopefully.

    Keep safe to those on the job!


  2. I’d sure like to know the unit cost on these arrests. Gingrich had a plan that I thought was brilliant: just send a UPS or FedX package to all the illegals and follow the package. These ground delivery companies have an extremely high rate of getting their package to the recipient, no matter where they’ve moved. Does ICE and DHS *have* to send three or four people for each arrest? Seems like overkill to me. I bet we’d save a LOT of money if this stuff was outsourced to bounty hunters; give them a flat per head fee and kick in a bonus over a certain number. Everyone would become an informant and a head hunter.

  3. These were Crim’s above and beyond being merely Illegal


    Some(most) of these States probably interfered with the

    Officers ability to find and capture them…

    You’ve got to realize a lot of this is a show of force meant to

    make other crims’ take notice..and hopefully self deport.

  4. I guess ICE didn’t go to any Home Depots, huh? Follow the welfare checks to the illegal breeders and collect the whole family in one shot. Hang out at the Emergency Room, the DMV, and the polls. Arrest every illegal who openly protests, and deport their families too. This sh!t ain’t hard to figure out.

    No hearings for illegals – deport them immediately since they already broke the law. Immediate detention until their ride is ready to go. Don’t fly them, use buses, or better yet do it like Ike did and put them on rusty tramp steamers and tow them to the south end of Mexico so they can’t walk right back over the border.

    Asylum seekers must have come directly here from their home countries – if they went through another country first, no entry to the U.S. – they should have stayed in the first country.

    When are they going to start auditing businesses and requiring eVerify for _every_ employee, even the white guy that’s been there for 30 years? $10,000 fine per illegal per day on every business that hires an illegal, and that includes day labor. The job market will dry up for illegals if they cost way more than they’re worth. Lost your business because you hired illegals? Well boo hoo, too bad for you.

    Dry up the money, dry up the bennies, and a lot of illegals will self-deport. And BUILD THE DAMN WALL. With a one-way door OUT.

  5. Another way to address the problem of worker shortages is to allow kids to go back into the berry and produce picking business. Our society produced better adults when they got their start doing something productive and it gave kids the opportunity to earn and save some money. Nothing wrong with allowing kids to work. It would solve a lot of problems: childhood obesity, build real self-esteem, instill better civic pride, and other American values that have been lost in youth.

    I don’t know if any of obama’s proposed changes to child labor laws were passed, but POTUS Trump, just this March, rescinded many of the laws/regulations restricting 16 and 17 yo’s from what were considered by opponents to be hazardous work. In any event, there are so many restrictions to child labor that it’s undoubtedly too big a burden for prospective employers to navigate them and they probably just avoid the whole child labor restrictions by not hiring youth for jobs they could do.

  6. AA I doubt there’d be enough takers for those jobs – they really hate leaving air conditioning and their game systems. Have you ever tried to get a kid to mow your lawn for you, even if they use YOUR lawnmower and gas, and you offer them $20 for a small yard?

  7. @Phuzzy Logick — I know, but I think it’s worth a try. One of the things many teens complain about, though, is that there aren’t any jobs they can do to earn money. They also know that this phony baloney “service hours” stuff is a bureaucratic make work scam, and it’s not taken seriously. As they say, money talks and BS walks. When most of us here were kids we had lots of opportunities to engage our entrepreneurial spirit, from walking dogs, mowing lawns, delivering papers, baby sitting, etc, to small painting jobs and the like. I can’t think of anything requiring as much drive and dedication as having to get up in the wee hours on a Saturday and Sunday to deliver newspapers! And it was all done without mom and dad having to participate.

    Hope springs eternal.


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