Report: Foreign Coronavirus Disinformation Campaign Trying to Cause U.S. Panic – IOTW Report

Report: Foreign Coronavirus Disinformation Campaign Trying to Cause U.S. Panic

*Everyone turns to look at CNN*

Breitbart: Trump administration officials warned the public on Monday that a foreign disinformation campaign is trying to incite panic over a non-existent national lockdown over coronavirus.

An unnamed “senior official” told Fox News that “there is an ongoing effort to spread disinformation and cause undue panic” among U.S. citizens, but confirmed, “there is no national quarantine for the United States.” Now, more than ever, “it’s important we remain vigilant in ensuring our information is coming from verified sources,” they said.

The Associated Press received similar communication from the White House, warning of “a deliberate effort by a foreign entity to sow fears of a nationwide quarantine amid the virus outbreak.” These officials also spoke on condition of anonymity and declined to name the source of the campaign.

On Sunday, the National Security Council tweeted: “Text message rumors of a national #quarantine are FAKE. There is no national lockdown,” and encouraged Americans to pay attention to CDC guidance instead. more

9 Comments on Report: Foreign Coronavirus Disinformation Campaign Trying to Cause U.S. Panic

  1. …do like Lincoln, President Trump. Shut down the lying media and jail it’s editors.

    Oh, and fire EVERYONE in the Federal Govenment that predates your Presidency.

    Lincoln did these things because he KNEW rebellious Democrats would use them to destroy a Republican Presidency from within.

    …seems like YOU have the EXACT SAME PROBLEM…

    …the devil is not creative, so he ALWAYS repeats. That’s why his minions, currently calling themselves Democrats, always lie about history or refuse to teach it.

    …time to slap him down once more, Mr. President…

  2. Trying to cause U.S. panic?


    A simple visit to a grocery store, Costco, or Sams seems to indicate it isn’t trying to, it is.

    Among many other things like quarantines, mandatory business restrictions and closures, event cancellations, curfews, etc.

    Fear driven people are rarely capable of anything other than panic caused by irrational thinking.

    And the would be controllers of the world know that.

  3. if this virus is so deadly and infectious why aren’t hundreds of homeless people a day dying in San Francisco and Seattle and Los Angeles where they might not have seen a bar of soap in years and are living in their own filth? I just don’t get it. These people should be the canary in the coal mine. Not one reported death of a street person.

  4. Name the damn source! There is so much “unnamed source” stories out there that the public has even less reason to trust the news because they are becoming aware that any writer with an axe to grind or a agenda to further can write a whole lot of crap/lies knowing they’ll never be called to task. If there is a group that’s foreign (even domestic) that is deliberately trying to incite panic then the public has a right to know who they are.

  5. Told you. I saw this this last week. It’s not just CNN – it’s infected all social media outlets too. War waged by other means and the source is China and the western Left.


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