Report: Former Chief Accountant of Burisma Willing to Give Up All the Biden Offshore Bank Accounts – IOTW Report

Report: Former Chief Accountant of Burisma Willing to Give Up All the Biden Offshore Bank Accounts

GP: Rudy Giuliani DROPS A BOMB: I Have a Witness, Former Chief Accountant of Burisma Willing to Give Up All the Offshore Bank Accounts, INCLUDING THE BIDENS’ ACCOUNTS – HAS ACCESS TO A LOT MORE”

Rudy Giuliani joined Rita Cosby on Newsmax on Saturday morning to discuss the latest Congressional investigations into the Biden Family Crimes.

During the interview Rudy Giuliani DROPPED A BOMB!

Rudy, who warned the American public about the Biden Family’s international pay for play scandals years ago, told Rita Cosby that he has a witness who is the former chief accountant at Burisma who is willing to testify on the Biden crimes. She even has the Biden bank account transactions. She has the receipts! more

14 Comments on Report: Former Chief Accountant of Burisma Willing to Give Up All the Biden Offshore Bank Accounts

  1. OMG. There is only one thing to do in light of these revelations: make up more crimes concerning Trump. Example: where was Donald Trump during the Jonestown massacre? You know the drill.

  2. Unfortunately, Rudi has proven himself to be less than reliable in the past and is carrying around a ton of baggage.

    Color me still disillusioned and in fear for the witnesses life.

  3. Since bribery/blackmail is a way of life over there, the blackmailer has to keep proof of the bribe in order to exert leverage on the person they want to influence. This may be accurate. I doubt it will go anywhere even if it’s accurate.

  4. The left has control of every branch and agency of government. They have won. Nothing, at this point, will bring about real justice. They do what they want without accountability and there’s nothing the people can do about it and the left knows it. Where are conservative Republican representatives – afraid or part of the entire mess. Seems no one has the balls to challenge them except Trump. One man can’t do it. Expect more of the same and worse.


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